New Diva

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I was getting ready for my debut match against Eva Marie, easy win.. I got changed and walked to the gorilla to stretch.


I was stretching when 2 big guys walked by, one had long hair and a lot of tattoos on one side of his arm and chest, the other one had dirty blonde hair and really pretty eyes. They sat on this metal box and continued to chat, I just ignored them and focused on the TV.

Eva's song played and she walked down the ramp and into the ring, my song played and everyone was confused at first but once they saw who I was they cheered loudly. I'm well known at TNA, I'm the most hardcore and high flying diva there, 7 times TNA Woman's Champion and longest reign. I've accomplish all this in only 5 years, I'm 25 now and I thank God for helping me throughout my career.

I entered the ring from left side and went up the turnbuckle and waved at the crowd, I love this.

"Introducing first from Walnut Creek, California, Eva Marie" Lilian announced there more some cheers but mostly boos, "Her challenger making her debut on Raw, from Chicago, Illinois, Alexta" the fans cheered loudly, that made Eva roll her eyes at me but I just gave her a smirk and rose my hand.

Skip match ♡

I speared her and she fell back, I went for the pin and she didn't kicked out. The ref rose my hand and I went up the turnbuckle and rose my hands up and smiled big at them, I went back stage and everyone clapped and congratulated me " Thank you" I smiled and notice that the guys were still there, the long haired smiled at me and the other one just gave me a blank stare, I smiled back at the other one and walked to the Diva's locker room to change.

The divas congratulated me and introduced themselves as well, they were very kind and weird, in a good way. "So girly are you going to the club later on?" Paige asked in her cute accent "I don't know if I should" "Come on you have to" Brie gave me the puppy eyes "Fine I'll let you guys I'm going to the catering and get some water, and then drive back to my hotel room and rest for a bit and maybe get ready for the club" I smiled and we all exchanged phone numbers to text eachother whenever we needed to.

I plugged my headphones on and walked to the catering to get my water. When I walked in I saw the 2 guys again... this is turning really weird now. I walked in and got what I needed, then sat down for a bit and went through Twitter and Instagram, about 10 minutes later I received a messaged from my ex boyfriend.. what a shocker.

Matt- Hey beautiful, I saw your debut and you looked stunning please contact me back as soon as you get this. I miss you ....

"Shocker there" I whispered but I kinda whispered it loud and that's when the guys turned to look at me, I gave them a weird smile and stood up and left.

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