Chapter 1: The ManSion Where None Should ENter

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It was a warm, sunny and entirely not creepy day when the Axis Powers decided to pay a little visit to the so called ‘haunted mansion’. Was it really haunted? They were about to find out for themselves.

“Ve~ I can’t believe it’s actually here!” Italy grinned happily as he stood right in front of the door. He jumped onto Germany’s back for a better view, making the latter grunt in protest, grinning widely as he did so.

“It is, isn’t it? I thought it was a silly rumour. Who would have thought we would actually find it?” Japan murmured in amusement as he glanced at the mansion that towered upon them. It didn’t look as foreboding as he thought it would be. Or perhaps he had watched The Grudge with America a little too many times.

“Who else other than the awesome me?” The albino of the group grinned and shoved his brother playfully towards the door, “Come on and open it!”

Germany stumbled forward and twisted his head to look at Prussia in annoyance who pointed at the door meaningfully with a smile. “Remind me again why we have to do this?” he asked the others, purposely ignoring his older sibling.

“America told us it would be to test our courage and determination, if I can remember it properly...” Japan replied to his question, now staring doubtfully at the mansion. Were they really going to go inside? He hoped not, he wanted to go home and eat some mochi instead of wasting his time doing the weird stuff that youngsters seemed to have fun doing nowadays.

“Oh so it’s all America’s fault that we had to go all the way here. Right, we’ve seen the mansion so can we just forget the whole thing and continue on with our training?” Germany checked his watch, pleased to see that they still had a couple of hours left before lunch break. Just enough time to warm up and finish up with their training for the day!

Italy gulped and hastily shook his head wildly. He owed Germany 50 rounds around the field for running away to freedom the other day and he was sure that Germany was going to force him to pay the price if they were going to train later on. He put up an innocent face and nudged Prussia who nodded in understanding, ready for the act they were going to put up to escape from what was known as their funeral.

“Awww~ After all the trouble we took we get here? I thought you guys wanted to see what it looks inside too! C’mon, let’s just go in for a little while!” Italy pouted and looked at them pleadingly with big sparkling eyes. Germany put up a neutral face as Italy’s eyes grew bigger and more sparkly. God knows how many times Germany had given in to Italy because of this way of blackmailing and there was no way he was going to let it happen again. The last time he had given in to Italy... No, Germany shook his head, what happened last time was too much to handle. Even by now he still couldn’t get rid of that giant meatball stain on his kitchen’s wall. Germany’s face turned green at the very thought of going home and having to see it yet again.

Prussia smirked, reading his brother’s thoughts accurately and chuckled discreetly. He placed his arm over Italy’s shoulder.

“Yeah, are you guys’ scaredy-cats? What’s the worst that can happen? A couple of alien-freaks chasing us around?” he taunted cheekily and stuck out his tongue at them. His smirk only grew bigger when Germany shot him an irritated glare.

“Haaaah, fine then, just for a few minutes,” Germany finally let out a long sigh and opened the door that was surprisingly unlocked as Prussia and Italy cheered. For a second there, he saw a black shadow suddenly span before him and suddenly disappeared. He opened his mouth in shock and took a step backwards, resulting in him stepping on Prussia’s foot.

“Did you guys just see that?” he broke out in cold sweat, ignoring Prussia’s loud cursing. Italy peeked from behind him and shrugged.

“I don’t see anything. Are you okay?” Italy asked worriedly. Germany, at the sound of Italy’s worried voice, composed himself and shook his head. I mustn’t let anyone worry about me, he thought to himself.

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