Chapter 3: The AlliEs (Part 1)

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“Ummm... Prussia, I think you should stay here and keep Germany company,” Japan suggested thoughtfully after walking out of the room with Prussia. He didn’t want to leave Germany alone again like the last time. Prussia stopped and looked at him curiously.

“Seriously? Well...  I don’t mind that but would you be alright on your own? You shouldn’t push yourself too hard.” Prussia eyed Japan’s shoulder and Japan placed his hand on it defensively. He really wished that Germany and Prussia would stop worrying so much about him. He was so much older than them so it should be him not them that should be doing all the worrying. Especially with what happened just now, Japan’s thoughts strayed over to when Prussia had carried him all the way to safety just now and he felt a wave of shame falling over him. He didn't want to be seen as a burden.

“Japaaan... Are you in there?” Prussia softly rapped on Japan’s forehead, “What’re you thinking about?”

“N-Nothing, it’s alright. Be careful, okay?" Japan stammered, arubptly snapping out of his thoughts and dashed off. Prussia blinked and shrugged, unsure of what to make of what just happened. With nothing else to do, he went back inside the room to join Germany.

Meanwhile, Japan was peeking at Prussia as he went in from around the corner. After he made sure that Prussia was gone, he let out a long, deep sigh. He slid down the wall and sat on the floor with a troubled expression on his face. He didn’t know why he felt so awkward around Prussia ever since their encounter with the monster. He was sure that something had happened when he was unconscious but he didn't know what.

“I shouldn’t be thinking about this, I have to look for Italy and find tools for Germany to help the mochi with! Besides, I’m probably thinking too into it,” Japan reassured himself with a tiny smile. With that thought stuck in his mind, he continued on with his search.

“Oh... I didn’t realise this door was unlocked before,” Japan started when he found out that the knob turned easily. He opened it and cautiously peered in before going on after noting with relief that the monster wasn’t hiding inside. It was a really spacious room with not a lot of things inside to occupy it. There were some crates in the middle which he went over to and spotted a piece of paper lying on top of one of them.

“What’s this?” he asked himself in puzzlement as he stared at the paper which had two blue and green rectangle printed on its side. It was had a torn edge to it which made him wonder whether there was a second piece that was lying around somewhere. He pocketed it, thinking it would be of some use later on. After that, he looked around his surroundings and found a lever on the wall behind him with a note stuck beside it.

“Up is Heaven. Middle is Earth. Down is Hell... Is this telling me the position I should pull the lever to?” Japan glanced at the lever beside him after reading the note. Which one should he choose? Heaven, Earth or Hell? Hell is out obviously, so should it be Earth or Heaven? He bit his lip anxiously as he looked through the different options once again.

Heaven sounds like a better choice, Japan thought as he reached out to pull the lever up. Then he hesitated. What if this was a trick question? What if... They meant really going to Heaven?  Won’t that mean dying? Since you have to die to go up... He broke out in cold sweat and shook his head furiously. No, no, no!

“I’ll just pick Earth to be safe,” Japan decided, laughing weakly. He pulled the lever to the middle and waited. The lever went back to its original position.

“Huh? Maybe it’s broken?” He pulled it back to the middle and watched with bemusement as it did the same thing. He tried doing it again but the same thing happened. Japan frowned and leaned back with his arms in akimbo.

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