Chapter 4: The AlliEs (Part 2)

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“It’s really here!! Aru~” China gasped, his eyes wide with fascination as he took in the appearance of the haunted mansion. Although it didn’t look as threatening as he had expected, it was his first haunted house visit so what would he know?

“I thought it was just a rumour...” England shook his head in disbelief and stared at the mansion, “It’s actually here!”

“The desolate feel gives it a rather... serene touch, vous ne trouvez pas?” France commented pleasantly, brushing his blonde strands of hair away from his sky-blue eyes. At first, he didn’t really want to go but when America mentioned that England was also going, he immediately agreed to go. There was no way he was going to chicken out right in front of England. Speaking of England, he looked ready to puke. France smirked and waltzed over to England.

“Hey, England, you don’t have to go if you’re too scared~” he whispered into England’s ear. England swung around and glared at him fiercely.

“I’m not scared! I just think it’s wrong to disturb the spirits in this mansion,” he muttered, glancing at the mansion strangely as he spoke. England frowned; he could have sworn he saw someone dashed past one of the windows. But that would be impossible, wouldn’t it? As far as he knew, they were the only visitors today.

“Spirits? Don’t tell me you believe in that mumbo-jumbo!” France scoffed and ruffled England’s hair playfully. The guy’s blonde hair felt silky underneath his hands and France wondered if he was using the shampoo and conditioner set he had sent him as a prank. Trust England to naively believe that it was a gift.

“France...” England hissed in between gritted teeth, irritation flashing onto his face as the older nation continued to pay no heed to his words.

 “But, I don’t blame you, you’re still a little kid after all~” he started to tease, smiling widely when he saw how ticked off England was getting. He went on and on, oblivious to the exasperated stares shot at him by the other nations and the fact that England’s hands were creeping up towards his neck.

“Oh and little kids should always lis- Gyaaaak!” France was cut short as England‘s hands closed in on his neck. His face turned blue as he struggled against England powerful grip.

“Shut up, you bloody wanker!” England threatened as he hung on tightly.

“You guys! We haven’t even went inside and you’re already fighting?” America grumbled as he quickly squeezed in between them and tried to separate them. “Oof!” his muffled cry could be heard as England’s head connected with his jaw.

“Eh... Uhhh... Russia’s kind of...” Canada whispered, noticing Russia’s darkening purple aura. He shuddered, suddenly feeling sorry for them, as Russia walked over and pulled up both England and America by their collar.

“Would you guys please stop fighting, da? If not, you’ll be forced to become one with Mother Russia~” Russia smiled sadistically as England hastily let go of France’s neck. He let go of them and went back to his place next to China.

“L-Let’s try not to shed any blood, aru?” China laughed weakly as he edged away from Russia and turned to face Canada. “Canada, isn’t it? What do you think about the mansion?”

“Doesn’t seem that interesting to me, it looks like all the other old mansions one would see in their everyday life. We don’t have to go in, do we?” Canada replied, taking China’s queue to fill up the awkward silence.

“Hey, did you hear a voice just now?” America suddenly asked, cocking his head to the side as he peered at the mansion. He could hear the faint sound of someone talking inside the mansion. It quickly stopped and he straightened up to look at the others questioningly. They shook their heads.

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