chapter 7:perfect

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Calum continued pulling me along and as we continued, the scenary changed from a busy city to an open field. Just not far away was a carnival, the coloured lights flashed as the familiar tune brought back pleasant memories from my childhood. When we entered, the lively atmosphere greeted us and the screams of children filled the air. Without any hesitation, I grabbed Calum's hand and ran to the haunted house. What can I say? I was a sucker for killer clowns. The lights immediately shut down and an eerie maniac laugher could be heard.

"Normal girls take me to those couple rides but you take me to some psycho jail." I could see him visibly shiver, a frightened look etched on his face.

"Aww, is the big bad wolf scared?" I cooed, pinching his checks. He swatted my hand away and grumbled in response.

We made our way further into the place. Clowns appeared, invisible forces slammed doors shut, bloody knifes. The usual. What made it entertaining was calum's reaction to every single minor thing.

"You should have seen your face!! You scream like a girl!!" I doubled over in fits of laughter as we exited. It was already dusk and he was still in a pissy mood.

"Come on I said I'm sorry."  I with him but he still refused to talk to me. Seeing the line for cotton candy, I ran over to the stall and saw Calum's face noticeably brigtened.

He was such a kid.

The rest of the night had gone by so fast but I didn't want it to end. The inner child emerged from us as we ran around trying out the various game stalls in the shortest amount of time. Ping pong balls flew all over the place and my mouth hurts from laughing too much as we threw pieces of popcorn back and forth in a mini popcorn fight.

"This is for you" Calum handed me a penguin plush toy that he had won, a cheeky smile on his face. My heart warmed at his simple sweet gesture.

And to end this perfect night, like some cliché romance movie, a ride on the ferris wheel. As it went up, my hands gripped onto calum's hands in visceral fear. It doesn't take a genius to know that I have a major fear of heights. Sensing my discomfort, he rested his head in the crook of my neck to calm me down. I looked up into the night sky and the twinkling stars.

And just like that, everything was perfect.

ITS LUKE'S BDAY AND SHE'S KINDA HOT IS COMING OUT IN 2 DAYS I CAN'T TAKE THIS SHIZ. *dies and go beat the crap outta 5sos as well as heyviolet since thier ep is coming out too* -.-

Hope you guys like this chapter and have a fabuloso day:)

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