Chapter 1

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Hey guys! So this is going to be a short story and I will try to get it done soon. I don't know how many chapters maybe 10-15. The chapters will all being chapters though ranging from 3000 to 5000 words! I hope you enjoy the story. Please comment and vote and share! thank you. Yeah so here's chapter 1.....

*belle's POV*

'Belle' my fathers voice booms through the house. I let out a loud sigh as I make my way to where ever he may be in this stupid house

As I make my way to him I see his eyes are angry as he glares at me. His fists clenched and I know already I need to keep my distance from him just to be safe. My eyes flicker to my sister Molly stood beside him. She looks terrified and I wish nothing more than her not to be here while he is like this. I send her a smile which reassures her slightly

'Well...' My father spits

'Well what?' I reply calmly

'How was it? How did it go?'

'How do you think? I'm here, aren't I? You trained me so you should know I would be fine'

'Mhmm how many?'


'Is that all?'

'Well I don't see you doing any' I shout back finally losing my temper. It had been the same for 4 years, since my mother had left. He blamed me for it. Because apparently I'm different but I have never understood that.

His hand raises and he shifty brings it to my face but I'm quicker. I catch his wrist before it makes contact 'now father, that's not a smart idea is it?'

I keep my hold on his wrist as he glares at me 'ungrateful spoilt good for nothing brat, that's what you are'

I laugh as I throw his hand down back to his side as he speaks again. 'You have to do 5 tonight. No excuses, otherwise Molly will pay!' he spits before walking away

'Are you okay Molly?' I engulf her in my arms

'Yeah I'm fine, although he forgot to tell you I have to come with you tonight' she sighs

'No. No fucking way' I say sternly

'Belle I've got to. Just don't make this harder please'

'Meet me at 10pm no later. I can't believe this' I say sternly as I walk from her and out the door. I needed some tea

-----------(this means time has passed)

Reaching the small cafe I quickly order my tea as the boy behind the counter shamelessly flirts with me for the hundredth time even though I had told him repeatedly that I am not and will not be interested. However it has become a routine by now.

Taking my order to go I turn to leave but before I can I see that it has begun to rain heavily. I swiftly turn around to search for a table but they all appear to be taken. Just my luck

I sigh ready to leave into the rain when I see an empty seat, across from a young boy with brunette hair. I'm not sure how old or what he looks like as he had his head down and into the notebook he is holding

I smile as I make my way over to him, I watch him carefully how he twitches at every step closer I take and I can't stop myself from smirking

'Hey, I was wondering if I could take this seat. There's none left and it's raining outside' I say sweetly as he looks up at me. And it's now I take in his features. Curly styles brunette hair. Gorgeous brown eyes that are easy to get lost in. His smile crooked but shining. Mhm

'Er yeah sure' he gestures to the seat as his voice hits my ears. I carefully sit down still observing him carefully as he speaks again 'your very forward. Not many young girls would ask for a seat with a stranger. You never know who I could be. Could somehow trick you to my home' he's serious but it's a playful tone to his voice as he started his observation of me

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