Chapter 5

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I'm so sorry for the long wait, not had much motivation with writing so yeah, please share comment and vote! This is a long chapter to make up for the bad updating times. I've been really ill recently and very stressed so please forgive me!

*Belle's POV*

My peaceful sleep laid in Bradley's arms didn't last as long as I would have wished. As at 7:05 we were both being rudely awakened by James, who told us we had a lot to do so get up before he drags us out.

Hence why he then proceeded to literally drag us out of bed at 7:15, that went down amazingly well with Brad.

However it had to be done, and now at 8am I am stood with Connor who is about to talk to me about my wolf and vampire forms, my powers and anything else I need to know. While all the others begin to rally around for others who could aid us in our battle

'Right Belle... The white wolf is known as royalty throughout all the different packs of wolfs. No matter how strong an alpha is he must submit to the queen.. Which is you. However, the last time there was a queen wolf was over 4 hundred years ago, they were killed by the outlaws, the wolves fell apart without their queen and that's what he wanted, it is also why so many stray wolfs joined him'

He looks at me to see if I'm taking in everything he is saying and understanding, when I nod he quickly continues

'Okay so the white wolf, is the strongest of all alpha's or wolfs except from the king which in your case will be Bradley. Now it is possible for a vampire to be king of the wolves it just means he won't have as much authority over them as you do. Now your powers as a wolf is pretty basic, your strength and speed and hearing and eyesight which because your also a vampire means there's not much difference in the different forms-

-however your growl can make an person, vampire, witch or wolf submit. It doesn't always work but if riled up enough your growl can bring them to their knees. Now what triggered you to change yesterday?'

'Er they were hurting Bradley in front of me' I growl out as I feel my body shake just think back to what they were doing to him

'Okay now focus the energy your feeling, imagine what it felt like to change, what you looked like and how your body moved' as he finishes speaking I feel the shaking become stronger before everything blurs and then I'm on all fours in my wolf form

'Wow. You truly are beautiful. Okay so now imagine being a vampire again. The more you do these changes, the quicker they become and with little thought' I wait a few minutes before I open my eyes and I'm back to my original form

'Okay you will have to work on that, to make the transition quicker. Now your powers, is there anything you feel you want to do. You can read anyone's mind and can compel them with a simple command you can do this by looking in their eyes or using a certain voice which you will find when you need to compel'

I nod my head in understanding and stand there for a few minutes. I can't figure out what it is that my body wants me to do. I look back at Connor and he looks concerned, obviously reading my thoughts. As I let out a huff I hear something behind me .

I turn quickly and look around Molly and Brad are training, James on the phone and Tristan reading a letter of something. As I look closer I see Tris is crying and I can't understand how no one else has heard or seen this.

I hear someone's heavy breathing but it's not any of them, taking a step forward I see a slight shake in the trees and before I can comprehend I see an arrow with a silver tip flying straight for Tris.

Before I can stop myself my hand is up, stretched in front of me. My fingers curved as if I'm holding a ball. I feel an overwhelming amount of power radiating and as I feel that, I feel a sudden pull and see the arrow that is centimetres from hitting and killing Tris has come to a halt and turned coming for me.

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