Chapter 8

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Hey guys! This is a shorted chapter then the rest but it's a chapter! So enjoy , I am currently writing the next chapter which Is a big one so bare with me! Sorry for the wait! Share vote and comment
*Belle's POV*

It was days away from the battle. Days away from the most important event so far. Everyone was on edge, it was obvious we were all somewhat scared of the unknown outcome and especially with recent events. The vision I had seen has somewhat left its mark on me. The images just wouldn't leave my mind but it also made me more determined to not let it happen. I just couldn't

'Your going to get lost little wolf' I hear my Bradley speak

I look at him confused and questioningly tilting my head to the side, he laugh as he wraps his arms around me and brings me in close 'if you stayed in that mind of yours any longer, you'd get lost. What's my baby thinking so hard about?'

I chuckle as I relax into his embrace 'just thinking about the upcoming battle, you know I'm worried. What if it doesn't work? What if we lose? What if l lose you? It's just I couldn't handle'

'Baby I can't promise we will win, or that we will be perfectly fine. I don't wish to lie to you, the outcome is unknown and anything can happened. But what I can promise you is that I will fight like I have never fought before, to protect you, them and everything we hold dear. I also promise to never stop loving you. That's my promise. And I hope my little wolf that with everything we have, we win this battle'

I listen to his sweet words as they circle around in my head 'can we do something today? Like all of us, I think we need it? Just let everyone have today to spend with friends, family and loved ones. To relax and enjoy before the battle'

'That's a great idea.,I shall make everyone aware. Now go get dressed, I don't want anyone seeing you like this' his voice is stern and possible which sends chills down my spine but before I can reply he is out the room, leaving me no choice but to quickly get dressed

Once dressed I make my way down stairs where I see James and Tristan whispering quietly between each other and Tristan blushing a bright red whole James looks pleased with himself as a smirk over takes his features. I then look to Molly and Connor and how he holds her close nuzzling his face in her neck and kissing the bond mark that's on show for everyone to now see. My eyes then cast to Bradley stood before me grinning like an idiot and it sort of makes my body heat up with how much I love this dork.

'What are we doing then?'

'Well, we decided to go to the waterfall and have some food and swim. That okay?'

'Perfect. I'll race you there'

With that everyone speeds off at their top speed, I start on two legs but soon decide that I haven't shifted in a while and therefore when I jump up high into the air and change mid flight, I can't help but feel free. I also see the way it causes Brad to trip slightly as he watches in awe.

My speed picks up as I run full speed in my wolf form, I couldn't explain the feeling even if I tried, it was just truly incredible.

I was the first to reach the waterfall but only just. I walk to the edge still in my wolf form but before I can shift back I feel a hand on my back. Turning to look I see its Bradley. He runs his finger through my fur as I nuzzle closer to him. 'Seeing you like this is just breath taking. Your perfection'

I'm not glad I'm in wolf form otherwise he would have seen my blush. I wait a few minutes and then quickly shift back to already see the others setting the food out on the blanket.

Hours later-

We had all spent the day eating the food and laughing, sharing stories and enjoying our time together. It was something that we all felt privileged to have. Our last day together before the battle and it had to be perfect which so far it had been.

I was stood by the edge of the waterfall when I hear Molly come running towards me. Now even though my sister is a vampire now that doesn't mean it ever stops her from being ridiculously clumsy. So as she goes to halt her running she misjudges the distance and is soon falling of the edge and taking me with her.

We both let out a high pitched scream before I grab ahold of Molly and pull her close. It happened so quickly being plunged into the water and hitting the bottom the pain seared through my back and I could feel the rocks around me cutting into my skin and although I knew they would heal within seconds it didn't stop the stinging sensation.

I quickly pull Molly back up and above the surface as we both start coughing before chuckling at ourselves. If it happened to anyone of course I would happen to us. I feel strong arms wrap around me and I already know by the intoxicating scent that it's Bradley

'Never been so scared than when I just heard that scream leave your lips' he says sweetly as he pulls me close refusing to let go while planting kisses all over my neck

Before I could respond I hear another few splashes before water is being splashed straight at me and Bradley followed with a shout from Tristan 'come on guys keep it PG'

So that's exactly how the rest of the evening had gone, with us swimming around, laughing, splashing, attempting to drown each other. It was so natural for us to have fun and for the first time in weeks we had forgotten about the impending danger that was arriving soon, we had forgotten about the fierce battle we had to face and we had forgotten about the fact this could be our last night together... As a family.

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