Chapter 10: Come on, Grumpster

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I feel like when they go to school, it's more au. Then, when they get home, it's back to normal. Feel me?


"Okay, that's freaky," I shivered at the sight before me. It was currently five thirty in the morning. I was tired and exhausted attempting to go to sleep last night for the wonderful school day upon us. It was also Mangle's first day at school. I wasn't going to admit that I was nervous about this. Has he ever been to school before?

"Then why are you looking?" Mangle laughed, wiggling his eyebrows. He set his fox hairs down on the table next to us. I made a disgusted look, and glanced away.

"How are you going to hear then?" I questioned, still keeping my gaze away from the two tiny holes in his head that his ears were attached to? He laughed and spiked his hair with the gel he had in his left hand. Where normal ears were suppose to be there were just skin. "That's so freaky! Oh my god!"

"Your expression was priceless!" He let out a hardy laugh and picked up human ears. Then, I realized. He's an robot! I'm so stupid to forget that.

"Oh shush it, fox." I smacked his arm as he inserted his ears. He flinched once my hand hit his arm, and tensed for some odd reason. "What's wrong?"

"It's just.." he paused, "It's been so long since I've been in the eyes of unknown people who don't come here. I guess you can say I'm nervous." A slight tint of pink rose from his cheeks. It was weird seeing him in actual normal clothing, and no make up on his face. He was a identical image of a normal 18 year old if you want the truth. In some sense, I was proud.

"It'll be okay, Mangle. I'm sure you'll do A-Okay." I smiled reassuringly, and I adjusted his beanie to his head, making sure those holes were covered up even though the hair did most of the work. My hands found their way to my backpack as I slipped it on my shoulder. Mangle followed my exact movements.

"Before we go, I'd like to mention that there will be people swarming you about it's not normal to see white hair. I don't know what kind of reaction you'll get from them, but let's hope it's a good one, yeah?"

"You make it sound like I don't know how people discriminate these days. I know, princess, I'm not as dumb as you may think I am," Mangle smirked as he straightened out his red flannel I picked out for him the day before. I was proud to say that I made him look the way he looks. All the work had to be done by me since none of these animatronics knew an decent fashion sense.

"Well, let's get going. Better get there before the whores mark you as their territory." I rolled my eyes, and walked out of the building onto the street with Mangle by my side. It wasn't a long walk to the bus stop from here. From there, it'll be a 15 minute drive from there.

"Whores? I doubt it.."

"Bullcrap. They'll be flocking to you like dogs to peanut butter. You've got the looks, and the voice. It's hard not to look at you." I hadn't realized what I had said until the silence crept into the air. My eyes searched next to me to see a blushing teenager.

"You really think that?" He whispered, rising his head to look at the now sunrise. The blush was still present on his face. Once he looked at me, he laughed again. "You're so cute when you blush, princess."

"S-stop it. Just come on," I stuttered and grabbed his hand to walk faster.

The next half hour was silent between the both of us. Mangle got a couple lingering stares by the obvious students on the bus, and some even had the guts to try to sit next to him. Out of frustration, I got up from my seat and sat next to him. My brain was yelling this one word.

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