Chapter 13: Anime Cliché

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*gets a shield and backs away from you*



My breath was quick and raspy as I ran. It felt like I was running for my life, which technically I was at this moment. I tried to push my feet over its limit for speed.


I looked at my surroundings. Ah! A teacher bathroom! I can hide in there. I drifted to the right and approached the door. Pulling it open with all the speed I had left, I slammed it shut. My hands instantly landed on the lock and secured it. Maybe, I was safe in here? Trying to catch my breath, I sat down next to the sink, threading my fingers into my hair.


I sighed, regretting what I did eariler. It was a pure act of jealousy, and my character can't help but deny my limits. I hid my face into my hands. You're in some deep shit, (Name). My breath finally relaxed, but I couldn't help but laugh. It was the most rebels thing I had done.

It was lunch, and I was sitting with my regular gang. Mari's older brother, Vincent, sat with us. He was nice, but really cocky. Whenever he would look at me, he would have this..grin of some sorts. I wouldn't be lying if I said that was creepy.

It had been a few weeks-2 weeks to be exact- after the lunch Incident, and I was having that strange feeling in my stomach. It was a empty feeling, nonetheless. I was just out of it these past couple days, and I didn't know why. Maybe, it was because Mangle was barely home now. He would only come in to fix his dupicate that would entertain the children at day while he went to school in the mean time.

Life was now a anime cliché. Well, Mangle was replicating the 'new hot guy' cliché, and it was starting to irritate me more than it should. He had girls flocking to him like children to candy. Every girl wanted a taste, and I couldn't blame them. He had been invited to more parties, or social gatherings. God f-

"(Name)? You okay there?" Vincent asked while he nibbled on the saltless french fry. He had concern threaded into his eyes. Mari gave me the same look while Faith was trying to hold herself from laughing.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I sighed, then I realized my fist was littered with beef and cheese, like it was slammed into forcifully. I blushed in embarrassment and attempted to retrieve the napkin stuck in the stupid little plastic bag the silverware came in.

"Well, you've looked like you were about to kill that milk cartoon, then your hand went-" He made a employing sound with hands included,"-to the poor taco dip. What's been bothering you?" Vincent started to clean the debris around my tray with his own napkin.

"It's nothing really.." I trailed off in a blank set of mind now. I absentmindedly grabbed my tray and threw it in the trash bin next to our table. In hopes that it will relax my muscles, I massaged my face, and it made me face look messed up. Screw it.

"(Name), I know you better than that. Actually, both Faith and I do, while big brother here is trying. Something is obviously bothering you. So, can you spill or do we need to go to the place?" Mari suggested, obviously pointing out the apple tree.

"What's the place?" Vincent asked.

"You don't need to know. So?"

"I think I'll have to know if Im trying to make new friends, hmm?"

While the siblings bickered, I couldn't take control of my eyes as they glided across to look for that one person. When my eyes did, my heart broke completely. There was Mangle in all of his glory, having his arm wrapped around a girl's shoulders.

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