Chapter 19: Second Chances

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I think some people will be loving this chapter..*wink wink* *nudge nudge*


Deep breaths, (Name). You can do it. Let Shia Labeouf ring in your head and it.

I sighed nervously grasping the bag to my chest. I was trying to get my breathing under control, but that was hard when I was standing outside of my old house--or pizzeria I should I say. It felt like it was a million year ago that I was in here getting ready for school with Mangle and making pizza with Toy Chica.

The wind picked up and blew through my hair. The bitterness of the cold that made my eyes weary sparked a certain memory from the depths of my brain. I could still feel the bitter cold from that day in my feet since silly me, I was wearing only flip flops that day. I smiled at my childhood memories. The good ole' days were something to remember.

Pushing myself to do myself the impossible, I pulled the door open to have the heat on full blast tickle my skin. I sighed in contentment with the heat now entering my system. The city bus barely provided any heat, so it felt as if I needed the sun only a few feet away to heat me up.

It all looked the same, my pizzeria. Children's drawings were sprawled across the colorful walls. The halls stank of hot cardboard tasting pizza that children went crazy for. I was a victim when I was a child as well. The floor withheld the mascots of the pizzeria with all the toys and Mangle above them.

I sure miss this place.. I sighed again. No one seemed to take notice of my entrance, so I tiptoed through the halls for a sneak attack. Making sure I wasn't in view, I peeked into the stage room to see all the toys and Mangle concentrating on something in front of them on the table. My interest peeked as I saw a Monopoly board set with money sprawled to their designated holders.

"That's not fair! How could you get doubles 2 freaking times!" BonBon whined, crossing his arms across his chest. His bunny ears lower onto his head in shame, "You even landed on the one property left I needed for a red monopoly!"

"Do remember that if he gets doubles again, he has to go to jail!" Toy Chica smiled smugly, gripping her money in her hands like a protective mother hen to his eggs. "I totally jinx it."

"I will never go to jail, not again. Save that for late game." Mangle returned the smug look to my girl Toy Chica before rolling once again. Luckily, he didn't get doubles again. BonBon fumed almost giving up, while Toy Freddy just laughed at his friend's reaction.

Hatching a plan, I sneaked into the security guard's office..or Daddy's old office. It all looked the same with the mask and phone. Balloon Boy who was now out of service laid in the corner in all of his creepy glory. The boy always gave me the creeps, and will continue to. He was just a stupid little battery stealing-

Getting on task, I sat in the computer wheely chair while propping my legs up against the desk with a smug look. Grabbing the phone, I pressed the right buttons for my message to run through the whole building and sat the end of it to my mouth.

"Alright, my people. I got a joke for you." I heard Toy Chica yelp at the sudden booming voice erupting in the stage room and laughed, "What do you call an teenage Cougar?"

"I don't know, what?" Mangle asked, suddenly appearing in front of the desk. It startled me, making me drop the phone from my hands. Picking it back up and setting it back on its post, I glared at him.

"I was suppose to be the one who scared you guys! Not the other way around!" I pouted, wrapping my arms atop my chest. My oversized hoodie make me look like a six year old pouting, and a pang of shame ran through my veins.

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