Day two: you cant fight me, ill always win

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Keeleys pov

He left me in the room after his little words speech. I've been locked in here, no food and no water, my cheek burns and it feels swollen. My eyes are red from all the crying I've been doing but I promised myself starting today in not going to talk or cry.

I'm stronger than this. I searched through the desk drawers smiling to myself when I found a black army pocket knife. Hiding it in my lap as my knees are pulled to my chest I hear the door unlock.

"Good morning child" Demetri smiles. "I trust you slept decent?" He asked looking to the bed that hasn't even been touched. He raises an eyebrow and motions for me to stand. I look down. Time to be brave. "I suggest you stand" he says anger already seeping into his voice.

My mouth quivers but I set it steady. He stomps over to me and yanks my right arm up. Luckily being left handed I stab the knife into his side and watch in horror.

He lets go of my arm and pulls the knife out slowly. Smiling he lifts his black shirt up just enough for me to see the wound I made on him, I can see his flesh combining together leaving behind no scar. Mouth agape, eyes widened in fear I bolt towards the door. "Two can play that game sweetheart" he smiles and cuts my leg as I scramble up. No tears... Bracing myself I run to the door but am slammed against it, the knife pressing dangerously close to my neck. His left hand restrains both my smaller hands above me against the glass window of the door. "That.... That wasn't very nice keeley" he mutters in my ear. I can hear his Unshed rage.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" He asks pressing the knife further against my neck. I whimper.

"Keeley keeley keeley what am I gonna do with you?" He asks and let's go twirling the bloody knife in his hand as he stares deep into my eyes.

I look away and reply "let me go?" In a small voice. His laugh booms in the room and then abruptly stops. "Wrong answer"

My scalp is on fire, my hands reaching up to his fist that has a chunk of my poor red hair and I fight against him with all my strength. "Your gonna love this room darlin" he smiles proudly. "I designed it myself to suit stubborn girls like you"

I kick at his shin and he throws me in the room. "Let me out!" I scream at him trying to open the door. Suddenly the metal door knob turns burning hot and I scream in pain flinching away.

I scoot away from him and look around the room. Cement floor, cement walls with blood splattered all over them, and on one wall there's whips, knives, gags and chains.

I shake in fear and look around the cement floor. What do I do?

"This is the punishment room keeley. Do you know why your going to be punished?" He asks chaining my wrists to the ceiling chains. I pull my hands away and spit at him it hit him right on his neck. He wipes it off with the back of his hand and says "oh yeah, you'll be fun to break" with that he grabs a big whip from the wall and I try to pull as far away as I can it the chains restrict me.

"What's your favorite number" he asks drawing the whip back. "Zero" I reply quickly and arch my back hoping to avoid the whip. "Well mines 20" and with that 2" lashings had started. Luckily he couldn't see my face. My mouth open screaming silent screams as tears flood down my cheeks. I could feel my skin being torn off with every lashing. Warm blood trailing down my legs and I feel weak. My muscles fall limp after only 15. One catches my side and I shriek.

"Have you learned your lesson?" He asks coming in front of me. I nod, almost forgetting one of his first rules from in his office when I first met him. "Y-yes" I manage to whisper.

"Was that so hard?" He asks unchaining me letting my body fall to the ground.

"No" I squeak.

"Stand up" he orders. Shakily I manage to stand up on one leg before falling down. Demetri grabs my arm and pulls me alongside him down the steps and towards my cellar.

"Sleep well future pet" he says and locks the cell. I don't even have enough strength to make it to the bed. Vil walks past the cells as other people scream and yell hateful words to him. Others cowering in their cells. I guess those were the ones who got broken.

His footsteps stop as he's at my cell. He unlocks it and sighs. "If only you were smart enough to keep that pretty mouth of yours shut and not fight us" he murmurs and lifts me up.

"W-not you get trouble" I ask as he carries me towards the medical room. "No, I'm the caretaker, it's part of my job to take a pet to the medical room an hour after they get punished" he states. It's been an hour? "Why an hour?" I ask tiredly.

"Because then your left to grovel on your own pain and blood" he says simply.

I close my eyes as my head leans against his arm. "Ahh look who's back" the doctor says not shocked at all. "Demetri wants her bathed as well as her wounds addressed as usual. I'll trust you take her back to her cell?" Vil asks. "You can count on me" doctor smiles and takes me from vils arms.

I feel myself being payed on cold tiles and I open my eyes. I'm laying on my stomach on a tiled shower floor. Panicking as I realize I have no clothes on I try to sit up but flinch in pain as I feel the wounds stretch.

"Let me help you" he insists and helps me sit up. He chains my wrists to the tiled wall and turns on the water. With his hose like shower head he sprays me down with cold water, freezing cold water might I add. I shiver in coldness and disgust as I see all the bloody water go down the drain. I close my eyes as the water runs down my face and i feel my body shake.

"I hope the coldness numbed your pain enough" he states.

I flinch away from him as he comes closer. "Your ok" he says trying to calm me down. He dries me off with a white towel, not even caring of my attempts to hide my lady parts. He'd just pull my arm or leg away roughly and tell me he wouldn't do anything.

He put cream on my back and bandaged it. "Here this is better than what you showed up here in" he states and pulls a black big lose tshirt over me and a pair of black lace underwear with some black basketball shorts.

"Can I ask you something" I ask afraid.

He looks shocked but recovers. "Yes go ahead"

"Is Demetri gonna kill me" I ask growing more afraid of his answer.

"No, he's trying to break you, he isn't going to kill you I promise" and with that he pulls me back down to my cell.

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