"Fancy Meeting You Here"

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"Everyone got that?" my college teacher Mr. Ellis said as he gave us a packet to go over tonight. Great, more work is just what I need. "Now go, class is dismissed." he said packing up the papers on his desk and putting it them in his briefcase, "Melanie, can I talk to you?" he asked as everyone was walking out and I was about to do the same.

"Sure, what's up?" I said putting my hair behind my hair.

"I'm not one of your friends, so don't what's up me." he said mocking me.

"Got it." I said.

"Your failing my class. Now, it you're one of my best students so I'm telling you this not only cause you need to know but also because I care." he smiled firmly and I nodded. "And you've seemed distracted lately. Something going on?" he asked looking at me.

"Just a lot of work but I'll get my grade back up, I promise."

"I'm sure you will." he said and I walked towards the door. "Get some time to yourself. And sleep more." he added.

"Thank you." I smiled nicely and walked out the door.  I looked at my watch and it was 11:34 a.m. I walked outside and my sister was waiting for me.

"What are you doing here?" I laughed excitingly.

"I'm here to pick you up." she laughed giving me a hug and stepping into the driver's seat. "Come on let's go. We're going shopping." I open the passenger's door and stepped in her black convertible.

"How was school?" she asked looking back at me then back at the road.

"Same as usual." I sighed.

"I have something to tell you." she said smiling to herself.

"What is it?" I asked smiling back.

"I'm pregnant!" she blurted out excitedly.

"Oh my gosh! Are you serious?" I said with my hand over my mouth and she shook her head yes.

"I wanted to celebrate with you." she smiled looking at me as she stopped at a red light.

"Does Sean know?" I asked lowering my voice and she didn't answer. "Oh my gosh, it's not Sean's is it?" I said with my mouth shaped like an oh.

"Of course it's Sean's Mel, don't say stuff like that." she said frowning at me. "I just haven't gotten the chance to tell him. I found out this morning. I was throwing up nonstop so I bought a pregnancy test from the drugstore, and that's when I found out." she said as she made a right turn and parked outside in the parking lot of Hoopen Plaza.

"That's incredible news, I'm gonna be an aunt!" I shouted as we got out of the car.

"You're gonna be an aunt!" Jade repeated and pulled me into a hug. "Come on." she said putting her arm around my waist and I put my around her waist. We walked in the mall and Jade and I separated. She went to Forever 21 and I went to get a drink from a vending machine nearby.

"Yeah, I'll call you later." a voice said from behind me. "What do you want?" and I turned around and guess who it was? Mason and a little girl that looked about ten standing next to him. "Well, well, well." he said smiling. "Fancy meeting you here."

"Who's this?" the litte girl asked.

"This your sister?" I asked pointing at her.

"Yeah the little one. Cindy this is Stephanie-"

"Melanie." I said crossing my arms.

"I know I'm just messing with you." he whispered showing off his charming dimples.

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