Hi Olivia!

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  "Ross babe." Laura said. "What." Ross said and tears were streaming down his face. "It's gonna get better you just gotta believe." Laura said. Then Laura started getting really sweaty so Ross said "Laura are you okay?""Yeah probably just contractions." Laura said. "I'm gonna go get you a water." Ross said worried. Laura sat there sweating like she just got out of water. "Here." Ross said. And handed her the water. Laura drank it and started clutching her stomach. "Should I go get your doctor?" Ross asked. "Yep." Laura said in pain. Ross saw him walking through and said "Dr.Stonen can you come here?""Hello Laura what's the problem?" Dr.Stonen said. "She seems to be in a lot of pain." Ross said. Dr.Stonen nodded and took them to a room. He put Laura in an ultrasound and said "Laura were gonna have to put you in a c-section." Dr.Stonen said. "BUT MY MOMS NOT HERE!" Laura yelled. "Ross is your mom here?" Dr.Stonen asked. Ross nodded and got her. Ratliff got the baby supplies. "Okay put on these scrubs." Dr.Stonen said to Stormie and Ross. They put them on and they started the c-section.
~2 hours later~
  "WAHHH WAHH WAHH!" Olivia screamed. Get brought her to the table stitched Laura up and handed Olivia to Laura. Laura  laid Olivia on her chest and she hugged her. And then gave her to Ross. "Hey." Ross said. "Me and your momma are gonna love you to the moon and back." Olivia smiled. Ross moved next to Laura and laid Olivia on his chest and she fell asleep then Laura then Ross did. Rydellington came in and Rydel started fangirling then she asked if she could hold her and visiting hours were over so everyone went home so Raura and Olivia got ready for bed.
Laura:White pajama pants, Blue shirt, ponytail
Ross:Green shirt, gray sweatpants, black socks.
Olivia:Yellow onsie, yellow socks.  Everyone went to sleep. (It was 10:30)
-1 am-
"Meh!" Olivia screamed. Laura groaned got up changed her diaper fed her and went back to sleep.

I know short chapter I'm just really tired and I still gotta write more ill make it up to you! Thanks for reading and without further a do goodbye Stay Kool😎~Kylie.

Superhero~IN EDITING~(Raura, Rydellington, Rinessa)Where stories live. Discover now