Chapter 2

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Alex followed Jyi to class, lucky for him they were in the same. They both walked in and they found a seat. The teacher was standing up at the front of the room, she had short blonde hair, and looked like one of those people who never will find love, ever. She looked about 55, and judging that people still called her “miss” Alex couldn’t help but think that.

She called the roll, Alex looked around the room as she did so, as good as it was to see all of the people he used to go to school with again, i loved it where he was yesterday.

He missed his “old” life, or that be his “new” life, he wasn’t sure.

The teacher, Miss Penny, she spoke up above the chatter of the class “Alright, good morning my Year 10s, as you all are aware today is when we come up and present to the class about our art piece.” A look of worry approached Alex’s face, “present...” he whispered under his breath in a worried tone.

“I’ll call you name and i’ll hand you your piece back... Alex your up”

“Great it had to be me first, what great luck.”

He came up and looked at his work, he looked down to have brief look at it so he could make something up. When looking he noticed the expert shading and contrast in the monochromatic art. The the drawing itself was a shelf full of paint cans, but the one in the middle was dented.

The teacher behind him hurried him on.

Alex cleared his throat before he started. “My work is of a shelf of paint cans, the one in the middle fell of the shelf, it spent many weeks stuck below. Even though under the shelf was safe, no one would take him away. One day he was found under the shelf, and he put back up onto it, the can didn’t like it up there, but what more could he do”

The class all stared at him, they weren’t sure what to think, one person just started a round of applause, the whole class followed them. The rest of what seemed to be a double period of art was spent listening to others present their work, one thing that he noticed on the corner of his eye, a girl, he remembered her, Skye, but she had been just watching him the a whole time. She obviously wants something.


Alex still with his bag just decided to try and ditch it somewhere behind the art building or something, he eventually found a place behind a tree. From there he decided he would walk over the the library. Of course he found all of his old friends there, doing the same as they always did, they talked about Basketball, and then Call of Duty, and basketball again. The library doors opened and they could go inside, the group walked down to the back of the place they saw a small sitting booth they could sit, and they did.

Just sitting there Alex spent just thought what was happening, why is he here, at his shitty old school, back at his shitty old life, he could prove the shitty old life part too, he listened in on his friends conversations. What he heard, they were talking about sex.

“I see in the two years i was gone they still haven’t stopped talking about it, he knew out of everyone those people would be the ones who would spend the rest of their school lives alone.” Of course he didn’t say it out loud.

Still listening in he noticed what exactly they talked about was defiantly dirtier than when he was there, it appears they’ve gotten much worse. Alex still thinking he thought of what he was doing the night before he “jumped” to this alternate timeline.

Thats when he remembered, last night, the best night he will ever have.

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