23: Never pick a fight with Kesha

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We walk away from Angelo. I felt my heart beat faster as he hold my hand and we walked side by side. Just like a couple...

Oh c'mon Abigail! Don't have that kind of thoughts. Me and Josh? Nu-uh. Never. I thought, rolling my eyes.

"Hey umm Abigail...why did you ran away?" Josh asked me.

I bit my lip and sighed. I guess I have to tell him.

"Umm..I ran away c-cause..me and Kesha had a fight..."

I looked at Josh's way and his face had a hint of surprise. His eyes widened and he let go of my hand. "W-what? You had a fight with Kesha?" Josh asked me surprisingly.


"As in Kesha Olsen?"

"Yep. Why?" I asked curiously. Why is he always asking questions? Why is he so surprised?

He scratches the back of his head and looks down the floor. He stops walking and I raise my one eyebrow at him.

"It's just that....don't tell this to anyone, okay?" he told me as he looked into my eyes intently.

Some big words you got there, Abigail. Good job. Congratulations.

I nodded and he took a deep breath before speaking, "Before, when me and the others, including Kesha, were Grade 4, a girl named Aubrey Green spilled her Coke on Kesha's favorite sweatshirt. Kesha got pretty mad and all Aubrey did was just laugh at her and always say, 'Kesha's crying because of her Coke sweatshirt!' Kesha couldn't take it anymore. She grabbed Aubrey's hair hard as ever. I tried to stop her but Kesha wouldn't listen. Kesha didn't let go of Aubrey's hair until the Prefect of Discipline came to stop her. Aubrey's head was bleeding because of Kesha and I swear I thought she would be imprisoned. Thank the gods no. That's one of the reasons why Kesha became a troublemaker and also, remember this: Never, and I mean never, pick a fight with Kesha. We don't know what she's capable of," Josh explained. My eyes widened.

Now I am really afraid of Kesha.

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