30: Special

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I sit beside Arianne and Patricia as a waiter hands us menus.

"What are you guys ordering?" I ask them, looking at each one of them. Keith looks at his menu and furrows his eyebrows as he turns page to page.
"I want the Cheese Parmesan Pizza," -Keith and Arianne.

They both look at each other and they start scooting away. I giggle at their reactions.

"You both are really meant to be," Patricia gushes. Arianne glares at her and we both laugh.

"Umm...*clears throat*...I don't like Arianne," Keith says and I place a hand on my chest(where my heart is) and give Arianne a sympathetic look. "Aww Arianne...Keith doesn't like you," I pout.

Arianne rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. "Whate-"

"HE LOVES YOU" I exclaim and laugh so hard. I slam my hand on the table, still laughing. Tears were already streaming down my face because of me dying of laughter.

After two minutes of laughing, I calm myself down and open my eyes to see all of them were looking at me.

My eyes widened and I looked around me to see the people, waitresses and waiters, and even the people who work in the kitchen stop what they're doing and stare at me.

I gulp and in one snap, everybody goes back to what they were doing.

I looked at Arianne, Patricia, Keith and Lance and give them a smile as I bowed my head down, biting my lip.

Humiliation. I thought.

After we ordered, the waiter got the menus and headed off to retrieve our order.

We started talking about different kinds of food, school and etcetra. I smile as Lance says he looks like Fred from Big Hero 6.

"You do look like him, Lance! I mean, when I first met you my first impression was, 'Woah he looks like that blonde guy from Big Hero 6' and I was like amazed. Haha!" I explained, smiling widely. Lance smiles back and we continue on with whatever our topic is.

After a few minutes, our orders arrived and we started digging in before saying GRACE, continuing on with our topic.

------After eating---------

We all headed out and just walked around, looking at clothes and talking. Just like a normal group of friends. I instantly smiled of the thought that if I didn't bump into Kesha, I wouldn't be here, walking with ny friends and being happy. Even if they're troublemakers. I'm grateful on having friends. Friends that care for me. I mean, what's more better, not having friends or having friends?

I guess you already know the answer to that.

"Hey guys, I'm just gonna head to the comfort room. Where will I meet you?" I asked them, stopping in my tracks.

"Meet us in Guess. We're gonna look for some new jeans. 'Kay?" Patricia says, raising her one eyebrow at me, asking if I understand.

I nod my head and wave goodbye before walking away.

As I walked to the comfort room, I looked at the displays of clothes and I suddenly have the urge to buy them. God Abigail. No one's stopping you. I thought.

I smiled and started to head to this shop for teenager girls called, 'Cache Cache.' I heard the girls from Ambrose High say that this shop has very nice clothes.

As I head in a girl wearing a white blouse and blue skirt greets me and I return it by giving her a smile.

"Hello miss. May I help you?" she asks me as I look at the racks of clothes. I swipe the dresses I didn't like or think it's too much.

After a few minutes of searching, I finally found a white flowy dress that looks really, really great. It was a white, flowy dress. That ends right above the knee. A ribbon is on the left side of the waistline and it shines under the light. I smile, picking the dress up and showing it to the girl. I read her name tag and it said her name's Sarah.

"I like this dress miss...umm...Sarah?" I raise my one eyebrow nervously and she laughs.

"You can call me that, miss....?"

"Abigail. Abigail Collins," I introduce. I stretch out my hand for her to shake and she accepts it, shaking.

"I like this dress, Sarah. How much is it?" I ask her, smiling brightly as I admire the beautiful dress I'm holding.

Sarah smiles too and she says, "Let's find out. Can I borrow your dress for awhile?"

I hand Sarah the dress and she turns the dress around until she finds the price tag. She looks at it and her smile turns upside down.

"I believe it's very expensive. $250 dollars," I gasp and look at the dress. I sigh and look at the ground sadly.

She looks at me and smiles sadly. But suddenly, her eyes like lighted up like there was a lightbulb right above her head.

"Don't worry, Abigail. Would you want another kind of outfit? It's actually just the same with this dress, just with a few changes. And the better part is that it's cheaper than this dress. Is it okay with you?" Sarah asks me.

I look up to look at her and grin widely. "Yes! I'll just have to see it," I exclaim happily.

Sarah grins and we head to another place. It's actually behind the counter. I smiled as Sarah fished for the key inside her pocket. What if it's special? I thought.

When Sarah finally found the key, she looks at me and says, "You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," I say, smiling at her way before she opens the door.

We both head in and we're greeted with many gorgeous clothes, shoes and accessories.

Sarah heads to a purple cabinet and opens it. There is a light pink, flowy dress with a matching pink pendant, peachy dollshoes and a pink and light orange ribbon on top of the head.

Sarah appears beside me and says, "Do you like it?"

My eyes sparkle(kinda. I'm not sure) as I turn to Sarah. I clap my hands and sing-song, "I don't like it....I love it, love it love it woah-oh,"

Sarah laughs and she hands me the dress. "The price of this dress is only $50 dollars. It's a dress I designed myself. No one has ever seen it because I didn't want to display this dress. It feels like it's not yet the right time. You are the first to see this dress, Abigail," Sarah explains, holding my hands and smiling.

I return her smile and she hands me the plastic bag with the dress(along with the accessories and shoes) inside. I hand her $50 dollars and thank her before walking out of the store.

What a magical day....

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