Chapter 3: Such a Charmer

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Look out for the <>!

Seriously love these photos. This one was made by annabethgranger666

By late afternoon, I couldn't help but frown at my bright computer screen. I was still waiting on one more person to see me today and I thought he would have come by now. But the emptiness of the cubical made me feel forgotten and alone.

Like on command, Toby, the man that I had been waiting for came up to me. I smiled at him. Even though I was expecting him to come sooner, now was better then never. "Happy birthday," he said, leaning down to kiss me. "I tried to come by at lunch, but you were out," he explained as he leaned his muscular lean frame against the wall of my cubical.

I nodded, now it made sense why he hadn't come around. I tried to justify it and it was moments like this when I was reminded that he had been my on and off boy friend for the last seven months for a reason. When he was around, I was the only thing that mattered but getting him to be around was the challenge in itself. He was busy doing who knows what for my grandmother and other high officials most of the time, leaving me alone. "I went out to lunch with Auggie," I replied.

I watched as he ran his spidery fingers through his jet black hair. He frowned slightly, not liking my response. I watched as his deep blue eyes glittered in the light. I swear, with eyes like his, I could almost see into his heart. Ever since he started working here in the DPD a year ago, I knew he was something special. "Cool, so I was thinking about going to see that movie you wanted to see."

"Monte Carlo?" I said with hope, after all, I had been talking about the movie for a solid month already.

He shook his head, as if he knew me better than myself. "No, Green Lantern," he said and smiled widely as if that was the movie I wanted to see all along.

I felt myself swim in disappointment for a second. This wouldn't be the first time he let me down. Just because he was 24, made him initialed to think that he was oh so knowledgeable. Sometimes I think he believed he knew better then me. Sometimes I felt like I had no voice with him. "Oh, alright, sounds good."

"I'll pick you up at 5 ok? I'm going to take you shopping too."

I nodded, knowing that it meant going to the stores he wanted to go to, which was fine, but it wasn't my style. I knew that today was going to be another date of disappointment. "Alright Toby." He didn't catch my disappointment.

He pulled out his phone and frowned as if he saw something important on it. "I have to go. See you tonight?" he asked then kissed me again.

I nodded. "Till tonight," I said as I watched him walk away.

There were many reasons why we were on again off again. Auggie thought it was funny how often we got back together, but I felt like I could never say no to him. I could never say no to his crystal blue eyes and his begging. I kept on expecting things to change with him as we made up, and maybe they would, but it would take years. However, I wasn't sure if I wanted to wait that long.

As the day bleed on to the end of the working day, I gave up hope that I would see my grandmother. I was hoping that she would at least text me a happy birthday, but that did not come and I quickly realized that she probably forgot about me. That was until she came to wish me happy birthday as I was packing up to go home.

I looked up at the small dyed red-haired older lady and smiled as she walked into my cubical. She handed me a cupcake, wishing me happy birthday quickly and curtly as if she had other more important things to do. I understood that she was busy, but sometimes I felt like I was the last thing on her to do list.

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