Chapter 19: Get Out Now

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Here is another lovely song for your enjoyment. Look out for the <>!


As I got home that night, I paid attention to the neighborhood cars, and to my dismay, the same SUV and the same grouchy man was staring me down. I frowned at him as I sped to get to my house.

"I'm sure it's nothing," I said to myself even though I didn't believe it. Toby's desk was clear, they were cleaning things up. I was next. I was sure of it. MIA would be after me soon enough. I pulled into the garaged and turned off the car as fast as I could then walked inside to make sure all my doors were locked.

Once I realized that every door to my house was confirmed to be locked, I walked into the kitchen. Breaking me from my original plans to find food was the screen to my computer as it flashed then turn black. "Great," I frowned in frustration not sure if I wanted to talk to B26 right now.

"You have a minute to get out of the house." It typed out quickly. The words where replaced with a timer that was counting down. 59, 58,57,56...

I frowned at the message as fear took hold of me. The SUV, the man. They were here for me. Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. I looked down the hall and saw the same man from the SUV on my doorstep. He was going to break in. B26 was right, I had to get out of here. "Miss?" he asked, peeking into the window on the door. I ducked so he couldn't see me.

My hands started to shake as I looked around the kitchen for anything I could use to defend myself. I couldn't find anything as my mind went to the darkest of places. I wasn't safe here, they found my house. They were going to kill me, I was sure of it. By now my heart was in my throat.

I got up from the ground and grabbed my wallet and cell phone then stuffed them in my pockets just as I heard the man start to ram against the front door. Without wasting a moment, I ran out the back door and though my small back yard as fast as I could. I climbed up and over the neighbor's wooden fence, feeling the wood rip into my clothing and blistering my bare feet.

I fought through the pain as I landed on the other side of the fence. Curiosity getting the best of me, I stopped to look through the cracks in the fence into my yard. I saw at least four guys in black looking around for me.

The tallest one or the group yelled, "She's not here."

Another yelled back, "She couldn't have gone far. Search the neighbor's yards!"

I couldn't stay still any longer. They would find me soon enough. I was use to doing these kinds of missions, the bad guy traps you and you get out fast. But this one was so different. This one was in my own back yard and this time, there was nothing to hide behind, no agency to protect me. I was completely on my own and it terrified me.

I knew this neighborhood like the back of my hand but as I looked at my neighbors yard, my mind went blank. I needed to get out but I didn't know my next move. I forced myself forward as I ran through another neighbor's yard. I've never ran this fast before in my life. I had adrenaline rushing through me. I felt I like could run forever and never get tired.

In seconds, I was in the neighbor's front yard. My eyes locked onto one guy in black about twenty yards off to the side of me. I frowned at him as he started to run after me. I turned down to the opposite side of the yard and kept running, not even taking a double take.


"Hey stop!" he yelled at me.

Yeah, let's think about that. Stop to chat to the intimating man or just keep running. This was a no brainer, keep running. I looked back at him. I was making distance between us. I smiled as I realized that I could out run him and get out of here without a fight.

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