Thank you!!!

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11300 that is the number of readers currently on my book. Thank you everyone for making this possible and helping me realize that if I tried I surely could write.
This book has helped me learn that it all depends us eventually how we want to shape up our future and present too.
I have spent hours day dreaming,thinking of what too write and also kept myself up for a lot of nights but it all helped eventually because today I have people reading my book from across the world so what more could I be asking for apart from asking you guys to shower the similar kind of love on my next book
A 100 feet.. Its a mystery/thriller with paranormal plot as well.
Also you guys can personally inbox me as I would love knowing my readers. You can suggest random werewolves or vampire books to me or just casually talk.
Thank you one more time for making my little dream come true :*

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