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I know I haven't updated this story in awhile but I felt the urge to write more of it today. So expect more parts to it more frequently :)

“Just finals I suppose.” I said not really lying to him.

“Just finals?” He asked rhetorically. “You got most of them out of the way today!”

I didn’t say anything right away but I’m sure he understood what I was trying to say before I said it, “Chemistry?”

“Right..” he dragged it out a bit but said nothing after it. He was done pushing for the day and I couldn’t be more relieved.

A few minutes passed before the silence was broke.

“Are you playing basketball again tonight?” I asked him getting up off the rock.

“No. I was gonna go to your place and watch some tv actually.” He said following.

“Nice of you to ask..” I laughed and he laughed back following me down to the road.

I tried telling him I wanted to just walk home but he insisted that I rode with him. I got in the front seat and was silent the whole way home.

He pulled in my driveway and put the car in park.

“I’m working on my chemistry when we get in here. And if you could not bug me that would be cool.” I said a little bitchier then I anticipated, and stepped out of the car.

“okay.” I heard him say softly before I shut the door.

I hated being mean to him. I don’t even know why I do it. He is the only friend I have and he could leave at any minute. I guess the reason he is my best friend is because he doesn’t leave.

As soon as I got in the house I went to my room. My mood from today switched and I don’t even remember when it happened. I let out a loud sigh as I dropped my bag on my bed, and grabbed my sweat pants. Then I made my way to the bathroom down the hall to change.

When my pants hit the ground I looked up and my eye caught the scars in the reflection of the mirror. I told myself that I would try my hardest to stop..

But since when did I actually listen to myself?

Harry’s POV

Sometimes she flipped like a switch. Today it was the minute we got in the car.

I let her have her moment. We didn’t talk and neither of us touched the radio dial. When I pulled into her driveway she stormed off to the front door and I stayed behind just long enough to let her get inside.

By time I was in the house she was upstairs, probably changing into her sweatpants like she did every other day after school.

As I sat in the kitchen waiting for her to come down, I rummaged through the fridge to find something to eat. I snacked, and soon realized she had shut herself in.

I made my way to the living room couch and I flipped on her TV, nothing was playing so I left it on an infomercial and texted a few people in my phone.

Sure it was boring here at Sara’s house when she was in her moods but I would much rather be here with her then at home by myself just thinking about her.

Both of our parents surrounded themselves in their work, and forgot about their family. If it wasn’t for Sara I don’t know what I’d do day to day. She kept me wanting something real out of life. I wanted her to be honest, but I’d never admit that because she would shut herself in even more. I didn’t want her distancing herself from my on purpose.

Over an hour had passed and I hadn’t seen her or even heard a peep from upstairs. I wasn’t going to push her to come join me because I knew she was stressing out over her last exam. But I had ordered a pizza about ten minutes ago and I knew she would kill me if I didn’t share it with her.

The door bell rang and I handed the delivery guy the money and then went to the kitchen to set the pizza down. When Sara wasn’t already down stairs to see who was at the door I figured she must have fallen asleep, so after setting the table for two I went up stairs and into her bedroom.

It looked like it normally did; an organized mess. The only thing out of place was her bags from school were sat on her bed unopened.. and she was nowhere around the room.

I scrunched my eyebrows together trying to think of where she was, or what she was doing? My feet led me to her moms room but she wasn’t there either. The only other place that was logical was the bathroom.

The door was closed so I knocked softly to get her attention. There was no response and I heard absolutely nothing from the other side of the door. I knocked again, louder this time and got the same response.

I didn’t bother to knock a third time and just let myself in. and as I did I wish I could have taken it all back. I wish I could hit the rewind button and do the whole day over again.

This couldn’t be real.




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