Very Fitting.

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"Beacuse I love you.." His voice was calm but almost inaudible.

"Harry, I..." Didn't know what to say. He took my hand in his, them laying linked together in my lap.

"Sar..." He whispered, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on the back of my hand. "I can't lose you."

Everything that was happening was happening all too quickly. I just shook my head, the tears falling slowly but at a constant pace.

His hand let my own fall back to my lap alone as he stood up. "I'll just go." He says. My head continued to shake from left to right. I watched him walk out of my room slowly, and not turning back.

My legs seemed as if they were a statue. Not daring to move and keeping me stuck in my spot. But then I heard the front door shut and I shot up from my bed running down the stairs and almost falling down the last few.

"Harry!" I yelled as I pulled the front door open. "Harry." He was standing in the middle of my front lawn, turned around to look at me.

I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him never wanting to let to. "I'm sorry." I mumbled into his chest. "I'll try to stop. I'll do it for you." His arms around me tightened and I felt at home right there.

In his arms.

"I can't lose you either, but I'm being selfish and I'm sorry, Harry. Please go to Stanford. Do it for both of us. Don't let me stand in the way. I'll get better. But I want you to go." I was rambling on trying to convince him, and myself, that I would be fine and I wanted him to go.

"Sara shhh..." He quieted me. "I'm not going anywhere. Especially without you." He pulled away from me to look in my eyes. "You can't make me." He smiled at me.

Part of me was relieved, but the other part, the bigger part, felt guilty. As if I didn't hold myself back enough now I was holding Harry back as well.



I stood in front of my full length mirror in my room. The white gown flowing over my body, and the matching cap securely placed on my head with extra bobby pins.

I took a deep breath and let it out. It's been one week since we've been out of school. One week since Harry told me he loved me. And one week since I had last cut myself. I let myself smile, catching it in the mirror and only smiling wider.

My phone buzzes from my bed and I go over to check it. It's a message from Harry.

"I have a surprise for you!! Better come find me if you want it! xxxxx"

It has a picture attached to it. It's a picture of himself with his cap on. I can tell he is leaning on his car hood and the tree in the background is the one in my front yard.

I laugh at his cheesy grin in the picture, but focus myself in getting downstairs and to Harry.

I lock the front door, and close it behind me. I turn to see Harry just where I expected him to be. I walk over to his car and his arms are already spread for a hug.

"Where's my surprise?" I laugh into his chest, and he leans back looking at me with a fake disbelief written on his face.

"All you wanted was my surprise?" He gasps. "I'm hurt." He teases, grabbing his chest over his heart. I only laugh at his outburst and hold him tighter.

"Get in the car girly.. You can have your surprise when we get to commencements." His voice is lower than before and his arms are tighter around me.

I shoot him a playful glare but buckle my seat belt.


"Your mom's coming?" He asks me.

"She said she'd see me after, so I guess so." I shrug.

He finally finds a parking spot and turns the car off, before turning to me. He doesn't say anything he just smiles and keeps his eyes on me.

"Harry, stop being such a creep!" I laugh, a blush playing in my cheeks from being under his gaze.

He doesn't listen and continues to stare at me until he laughs himself and breaks the gaze. He then turns to the back seat picking up a medium size box and holding it in his hands, on his lap. "I got you this." he says to me before slowly lifting the lid off.

"Haz, it's beautiful." He lifts the corsage out of the box gently and slides it on my wrist. It was a single yellow rose that had red on the trim of each pedal, and surrounded with small white flowers.

He centers it on my wrist before he takes my hand and interlocks our fingers.

"Do you know what it stands for?" His eyes are soft and his smile matches. I shake my head, urging him to go on. "..falling in love."

The blush makes its way back to my cheeks as we look into each others eyes.

"I thought it was very fitting." He says. "The red rose, like around the edges here, stand for love." He points out the red in the flower. "And a yellow rose stands for friendship." He's looking back at me now and he seems closer than before. "Perfect fit when you're in love with your best friend."

The moment is pure perfection. The way his eyes look into mine. The way he is now holding both of my hands ever so gently. The way his smile had fell and serious is spread across his face; letting me know that what he is speaking is nothing but the truth.

And then he leans in...

Our lips meet and I'm flying high. The sparks inside are like the grand finale on the forth of July, and contrast with the gentleness that is Harry.

I never want it to stop.


Yay! for an update!

Getting closer to the end of this story :( sad times!

Hope you're enjoying it though...

Big Love xxx

ps. Sorry if there are more mistakes than normal I had to type this part on my phone x

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