Chapter 21

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The Hound flew off of Sansa scrambling to pull his breeches up.

Myrcella's door swung open as she stared, she whispered, "Master Clegane."

She turned to Sansa, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, I woke in a strange place confused and I—"

Brienne and Podrick burst through Sansa's chamber door, Brienne brandishing her sword, "I heard a scream, Lady Sansa."

Brienne and Podrick stopped and gaped at the Hound.

Sansa clutched her sheets to her chest, "I can explain."

Brienne and Podrick looked at each other at a loss for words.

"It better be good," Arya hissed from the door way, still weak she clutched the door frame, the blacksmith behind her, helping to hold her up.

"Arya, please," Sansa pleaded, tears starting to form in her blue eyes.

"How could you? After all that he's done? He killed Micah! He nearly killed Brienne."

Podrick crossed his arms and scoffed, "Well she nearly killed him but that's besides the point."

"He watched Joffrey beat you!" Arya screamed, tears welling in her silver eyes, nearly falling, the Blacksmith caught her, "After all that he's done, how could you let him touch you?"

Sansa rose, her white bedfurs covering her body, "What happened to finding a man who found me worthy? He saved me from Joffrey's abuse more times than I can count, saved me from the vicious people of King's Landing. He tried to take me back to Robb during the Battle of the Blackwater and you have no idea how much I've regretted not going with him."

Sansa began to sob, "Maybe, maybe if I had gone with him, I would've been able to stop Robb from being so desperate to find us, maybe he wouldn't have gotten involved with the Freys. Maybe he wouldn't have died."

"So he would've stopped his conquest if you had been found? He wouldn't have kept looking for me? Is that it?" Arya growled.

"You were gone!" Sansa screamed, "You escaped and left me to the lions! You took off and I was left trapped with father's killers! A pawn in a war! You abandoned me, left me for dead!"

"Yoren saved me! I was in the crowd when father was beheaded, he hid me and smuggled me out while I was still numb from him dying. I didn't do it on purpose! At least you were in a nice, warm castle while I was wading through the wilderness during the war," Arya bared her teeth at her sister, hobbling closer, "At least you were nice and warm in a castle while I starved!"

"How dare you!? How dare you dismiss what I went through!" Sansa shook with fury, "You don't know what that beast did to me!"

Arya rolled her eyes, dismissing her sister's anger with a shrug of her shoulders, "And who begged father to be betrothed to a boy she didn't know? Why took sides with him after he attacked my friend and got Lady killed? All of our troubles, ALL OF THEM! Why father even went to King's Landing, it all comes back to you! All of this is your fault!"

Sansa slapped Arya.

Arya froze, her eyes wide and mouth agape.

The room went still.

"You hit me," Arya whispered.

Sansa collapsed into sobs, the Hound knelt to comfort her with Myrcella on her other side, the scarred blonde robbed her back.

"You deserved it."

They all turned to see Jon, flanked by Ghost and Daenerys.

"Jo—" Arya began but Jon held up his hand.

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