Chapter 7

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Sansa put down the letter from Bran with a sigh, putting her head in her hands dry sobs racked her small frame. Ghost whined at her side, unsure how to comfort her.

Jon was alive, thank the seven gods, but he had been an inch from death. The blasted South had almost taked another Stark life.

She heard a creak at her old wooden door. She didn't bother to acknowledge it, Castle Black was ancient and it moaned and groaned as if it were an old man. It was when she heard footsteps that she tried to pull herself together.

"R-Rickon, I'll play cards with you in a little bit, just give me a minute."

No response.

Ghost started to snarl and Sansa turned to look at who had walked into her bed chamber.

"Gambling, Little Bird? Is that how you Northerners pass the winters up here?"

Sansa's heart nearly stopped beating, Bran's letter laid forgotten on her desk.


Gendry hadn't come back the night before, so Arya made herself at home. A voice in the back of her head screamed for her to leave, steal supplies and head back North. But she couldn't do that.

Instead, she had taken off Gendry's wife's dress and changed into some of Gendry's softest clothing and then slept in his bed. Well laid in his bed, sleep elluded her.

She wasn't sure what to make of Gendry being married. She knew she had to start heading home, her family was probably worried sick and probably thought she was dragon shit about now but she honestly couldn't.

As always, her curiousity was getting the best of her judgement. Instead she closed her eyes and enjoyed his house. His blankets and sheets smelled like him, smoky.

At some point, the warmth and smell of Gendry's bed and the light cracking of the fire place had lulled her into a near-sleep like state. She was so relaxed, she almost felt like she was at home.

The blankets were ripped off of her and she curled up into a little ball.

"What are you doing?! You're in my bed and in my clothes, Lady Stark I gave you a dress to wear!" Gendry was back and with dark circles under his eyes and stubble on his chin. He looked horrified.

Arya's lack of manners struck again. Arya didn't particularly see the problem.

"You left and I thought I'd make myself at home," She shrugged, a scowl skewing her face, he wasn't the only one grumpy from a sleepless night.

"And my clothes?" Gendry whispered, a challenge.

"They're more comfortable and to be frank, it's odd to be wearing the lady of the house's clothing, where praytell is Lady Blacksmith?"

"She died, two years ago, giving birth to our first child, he didn't make it," Gendry's blue eyes looked down to meet Arya's, there was sorrow in their depths.

Arya looked down and sighed, "I'm really sorry."

"It's alright, I've moved on," Gendry looked away, toward the far wall and ran a hand through his hair.

"Obviously not if you've kept her clothing," Blunt as ever, Arya scolded herself.

"We were only married for four months, I was still an apprentice blacksmith at the time, my master had me married to her, to get her dowry to start my own smith. I did eventually grow to care for her but I won't lie and say her and I had a great love story, nothing song worthy."

"The songs are bullshit anyways," Arya smiled. "It still must hurt, I honestly am sorry I was blunt and rude before."

"I know you can't help it," Gendry grinned. Arya quirked an eyebrow, was that him accepting her apology or insulting her? She had no idea. "Want breakfast? I bought some bacon and chicken eggs while I was out."

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