Chapter 3

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Zoe's POV

I go to school early but there are many students already?

They are gossiping and glaring at me!! AGAIN!!


Tara: Zoe!
Me: Tara!
Tara: Zoe!
Me: Tara!
Tara: ok! Let's stop this, so let's go
Me: hahahahah yeah!

Lunch is done and now where at our History Class

Mr. Johnson: so now i will group you into 2 but theres i group that is in 3
Some students graon
Mr. Johnson: so Emily and Edward, Von and Fionna
Hahaha Fionna has a big crush on Von
Mr. Johnson: Gabriella and Xander, Sarah and Violet
Oh! The enemys
Mr. Johnson: Quenne and Herbert and blah... Blah... Blah..
But the last thing Mr. Johnson said shock me the most
Me: what again sir??!!
Mr. Johnson: Zoe, Justin and Elia
Me: but si-
Mr. Johnson: have a score or what?
I just sit and staring at my chair
Mr. Johnson: so you have a reporting together and maybe later on dissmisal you can go to your house and plan the reporting

Uhh.. He sucks!!!!!


Elia: so about the reporting me and Justin can re-
Fuck!! I will not let you thrown me up!!
Me: no i'll join or maybe you just wan't to hook up on Justin, right?
Tara: Zoe stop!
Me: Tara i will stop if i want!

Tara's POV

Zoe: Tara i will stop if i want!
Then she walk away

She realy change

Me: look what you've done Elia! She change!
Elia: i'm so so-
Me: maybe she'll forgive but she will never forget

Elia's POV

Tara's right she change..

Last 2 years ago.... I was not realy drunk, i have feelings for Justin that day and i thought if i could kiss him he would like me but i was wrong, i made it even worse! I lost my bestfriend and him.

I feel sorry for Justin because everyday at school he always cry when Zoe left.

I hate Zoe for leaving him but i can't blame her, they're is like a water nothing can't stop them from loving but look how i made Zoe change.

I knew she was hurt, i knew she left because she was hurt because of me and i can't take this anymore!

I can feel the carma is coming

Mom: Elia! Justin's here!
Me: okay! Mom

I go down stairs and saw Justin black eye????

Justin: hey!
Me: what happen to you?
Justin: Brandon punch me
Me: why?
Justin: because Zoe is keeping distance to them and always going home late and it's because of us
Me: yeah, i know
Justin: so our reporting
Me: Zoe will be coming
Justin: but i-
Me: yeah, she humilates me infront of Tara
Justin: i'm so-
Me: dont be sorry

We go upstairs and do the reporting when someone knocks in my room

AUTHORS NOTE_______________________________________________


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