Chapter 8

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Zoe's POV


Tara: So..???
Me: What?
Tara: Zoe seriously??!!! Just tell me what happened to you after the accident?
Me: Tara it's not even an accident
Tara: yeah your right, but what realy happened??!!



I drive my car as fast as i can

And stop at the beach

Elia: Zoe just listen
Me: Elia just stop! I know that ever since me and Justin were together you were planning something because i know that time you still have feelings for him and just like the real Elia was! She destroy everyone you loved, i have done so many things but you still betray me like that


Me: Zoe past is-
Zoe: shut up!
Justin: Zoe i can accept it that you can't forgive me but Elia?! She's your childhood bestfriend?!
Zoe: even if it hurts you know i leave because i think that i can make you two happy but i was so blind, all i care is your happiness but i didn't even care that i am suffering


When i first came in France i thought that if i stay there they will be happy because i'm not there but maybe thier happy but i don't even care that time that i was suffering because of them and then few months later i realise i was just so good to them

-----(Flashback ends)-----

Back to reality

Tara: Zoe!!!!
Me: what?
Tara: ugh! Tell me!
So i told her everything about me, Justin and what else Elia
Tara: what?! He dosen't have a right to tell that to you! He never knew what is the feeling of like what your feeling! and that Elia! She betrayed you ever since that horrible day! Remember after you found out theyre making out in your room! Before you leave here and go to France i saw no! We saw that Elia was hugging Justin and she tell you at the party that it's just an accident! They were drunk! But no i don't feel that there not telling the truth that day so when you leave i always see Justin and Elia going to school, luch and even going home they're together!
I cry like theres no end
Tara: it's okay.. They will just realise how you feel and the carma is just coming
Me: no Tara.. I will make them realise that feeling starting today

Tara's POV

Oh no!

I just want Zoe to be good and move on but i was wrong... No very wrong! Now Zoe is acting like a slut and me being her bestfriend always at her side.

I saw Elia and Justin going to the parking lot

I slap her

Elia: what the he-
I slap her again and again
Tara: that's for Zoe, you change her! Now the little sweet Zoe is becoming now a slut!
Justin: Elia are you okay?
Tara: and you! I thought you were not like the other men! ( NO OFFENSE ) but you were even worst!

I walk away to let out my anger

Zoe's POV

Where the hell is Tara??!!! I go to the canteen she's not there, i go to the Field she's not they're too!! I was just going to my car, maybe Tara go home already and when i saw Elia crying at Justin's chest..........

I was crying but why do i love him until now!! He hurt me!! I run and when i was just about to go to the comfort room someone grab my wrist

John: what happen?
We'll he's my childhood friend but Elia don't know him because before i met Elia he leave because of his family
Me: John?
John: hey, i miss you
Me: John it's you!!!
John: well it's me but don't change the subject, why are you crying?
I cry even more and he hug me
John: it's okay if you can't tell me right know

After i'm done crying me and John were at the starbucks and i tell him all

Tara: Zoe there you are!!!
Me: :)
Tara: who's this??
Me: Tara this is John and John this is Jatara
John: Jatara?
Me: it's her real name
Tara: but just call me Tara it sounds odd

Now i'm alone going home because John and Tara were having fun at thier conversation.


Mom: Zelda why are you late?
Me: mom i'm tired okay?....
Mom: Zelda?
Me: mom?
Mom: be who you are and be the good girl i know
Me: okay mom...

It's hard too so innocent this time

I was about to go to my room when Wendy call me

Me: what?
Wendy: Zoe, Tara tell me all
Me: and?
Wendy: Zoe just forgive them and don't mind them again
Me: it's easy for you because you haven't try to love some one

Wendy's POV

Zoe: it's easy for you because you haven't try to love some one
I Slap her
Me: you change! I'm you sister! Respect me!
She just run away

It's hard for me to see my little sister hurt, she don't know what i encounter. :(

________AUTHORS NOTE__________________________________


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