(Chapter 11) The Expedition?

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Hey guys, I was able to fix the problem so now I can make anything bold or slanted again so yeah.... Any who, Here is the chapter I have promised you. I hope you enjoy it and as always stay kawaii, >.< OH and don't forget to tell me what you think- kawaiilover9999678


  Marco and Jean took a small stroll through the fields were they once used to meet before Marco's death that is. Currently they had found a nice cherry tree that provided plenty of shade for both of them to sit down comfortably. They sat down shoulder to shoulder as their fingers intertwined with one another's, Marco rested his head comfortably on Jean's shoulder taking in his scent which oddly reminded him of berries and mint.

  They sat there comfortably for awhile until Jean spoke in a hushed voice, "Marco, have I ever told you how much I love you?". This random out burst had caused Marco to chuckle a bit, "Jean, where is all of this coming from".

  Jean made his best 'I'm so offended' face and turned to Marco, "What I can't tell you how much I love you anymore, harsh".  Marco playfully smacked Jean with his free hand and let out a small laugh, "No, no don't get me wrong Jean, I love being adored by you it's just I wasn't expecting you to say that". Marco squeezed Jean's hand a little and bowered his head deeper into the crook of Jean's neck.

  "Jean, I love you too". Even though Marco and Jean had exchanged many I love you's it still gave him  butterflies. To him he felt as if those were the three most important words that could be said to another human being and every time he said it he always meant it. While he was thinking Jean had placed a quick kiss on his cheek which automatically caused both of the to break out with a bright blush.

  Marco held his hand up to his cheek still a little shocked by the kiss, even if it was a small peck  it had made his face tingle a bit but there was something more to that, he couldn't put his finger on it. Since Marco was an angel he could often tell what was wrong with Jean but in this case he really couldn't tell, the kiss was sweet and filled with love but it had a hint of....sadness. Marco felt a little hesitant at the moment but he knew it had to be done. 

  "Hey love, are...are you okay?", Marco asked with hesitation. Jean was completely thrown off by this question, he began to figit  a bit and he quickly averted his eyes from Marco. He let out a small cough to clear his throat, "Yeah of course Marco why wouldn't I be, I'm alive, I got the love of my life back, what else could I possibly wish for?". As he spoke Marco couldn't help but realize how shaky Jean voice sounded when he spoke. He squeezed his hand  and gave Jean his best reassuring smile.

  "Hey you know you can tell me anything, right". Jean let out a loud sigh and a let out a half hearted laugh, "Yea, I know, but trust me every thing is fine". Marco wasn't buying Jean's excuses and he determined to find out why he was acting so odd. As the sun began to set Marco and Jean decided to head home. The field wasn't  to far from where Jean lived so they made it there in about fifteen minutes or so.  

  Once they got to his quarters Marco sat Jean down and gave him a stern yet soft look, "Ok Jean, I know something has been bothering you but you're not telling me, I want to help you, I really do but I can't until you tell me what's wrong". Being the stubborn guy Jean is he quickly stood up and gave Marco a stern voice, "And I'm telling you Marco that nothing is wrong and if something was I don't think I would like to discuss something of that topic with you. He than tried making a quick break for the door. Marco blocked Jean's only exit by covering the door with his body and his wings.

  "What kind of topic do you mean?", Marco carefully asked, trying not to get on Jean's bad side. Jean's whole body tensed up, he opened his mouth as to say something but he quickly shut it. Tears prickled the corners of his eye and he kept his mouth shut fearing that a sob or choked cry would come out. As to seeing this Marco retracted his arms and wings from the door and walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around Jean's waist and placed his head on top of his.

  These actions calmed Jean down a bit, still shaken up a bit but better. Marco felt horrible for asking Jean this but he knew it had to be done. "Jean really, what's wrong, won't judge or if it's bad I'll do my best to help you." A shaken breath was released from Jean's lips before he began to speak, "Fine, I....I'm going on another expedition. "As these words escaped his mouth Marco stood with a horrified expression. "And it's going to be next week."

  Marco never thought that a few words could make his world crash down. An expedition, another chance to lose the one he loves.


Hey guys here's your new chapter like I promised (one day late yes I know), Cliff hanger I know but I'll try to update again as soon as possible so please don't think that I've given up on this story. Until then stay kawaii >.< - kawaiilover9999678  


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