(Chapter 12) My Worst fear

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Hello my lovely readers I am back with the next chapter of this crappy fanfic. In the last chapter Marco had noticed that Jean was acting weird but he later on finds out that that he has to go on another expedition. How will Marco and Jean deal with this problem. I hope you guys enjoy it and as usual stay kawaii >.< . - kawaiilover9999678


Marco stood there in disbelief, he didn't want to believe the words that were coming out of Jean's mouth but he knew they were true. His body felt numb and his mouth felt dry, he saw Jean in front of him talking but he just wasn't processing the words that were coming out.

"Marco, I'm going to the next expedition and there's nothing else I can do". Those words seemed to snap him back from his trance. He quickly grabbed his shoulders and turned Jean around so that they were facing each other. Marco's terrified eyes meet Jean's shocked ones, Marco tightened his grip on his shoulders and spoke in the calmest voice he could possibly conquer.

"Jean are you sure, can't I do something." "Marco calm do-" "No Jean!, I won't, we already lost each other once and I'm not about to sit on the side and let it happen again."

Jean knew Marco wanted the best but he knew he had to do this expedition. He gently placed his forehead against Marco's and with the smoothest voice he could conjure he spoke. "Marco, you know I love you and I'd never want you to feel the pain you've already been through."

Marco let out a shaky breath and let Jean's hazel eyes meet his dark brown ones. "Jean, please, please is there anything that I can do to change your mind." Jean tried to his best to keep his composure but it was getting harder and harder by the second.

Seeing Marco in this state was horrible, watching the one you love break apart in your hands. "You know my answer Marco and it's not going to change I'm sorry."

Tears escaped Marco's eyes, "Jean no please just don't, we can run away, you don't have to see the titans again." "Marco no!" Jean's tone of voice shocked Marco, yes they have gotten into a few fights but he hasn't heard a tone this harsh before.

"Marco I know that you're scared, hell I'm scared but I need to do something. I can't sit around and wait for the titans to attack again. Humanity has already lost so much, do we really need to lose more lives?"

Marco took a couple of steps away from Jean and bye the look on his face he clearly wasn't on the same terms of agreement. Jean shifted uncomfortably and tried to fill in the gap again but once again he moved away. "Marco I'm sor-" Marco quickly interrupted "Jean I get it, you're going but" he paused. "But not without me."

The air grew tense and Jean walked over to Marco and grabbed his shoulders. "Marco are you an idiot, not only do I have to look after my self, now I have to worry about you! Just stay behind you'll only drag be down." Jean's words were coming out harsher than he intended and he new they were but right now he needed to get his point across.

Marco placed his hands on Jean's chest and pushed his back with a force. "Well too bad Jean I don't care if you want me to come or not I'm already dead, I can care less what happens to me. I'm going to watch after you wither you like it or not."

Jean gritted his teeth and looked at Marco with cold eyes, "Marco if you do that we're" he paused and swallowed the lump that was forming in his throat. "If you do that we're through." Marco stood there and dread spread through his face but it was soon replaced with anger.

He clenched his fist and spread his wings out "You know Jean fine, were through" Just like that he vanished. Jean looked around and sure enough Marco went into angel mode. Jean released his anger all at once and I was probably the worst decision he's ever done.

"Fine, fine you know what Marco I don't even fucking care leave me! I don't even care if I die witness it for all I care!" Jean grabbed his coat and left his shack. Marco stood at the door with fresh tears soaking his cheeks. "Jean, I didn't want us to end this way."

Jean later on returned from his walk and to his surprise Marco still was gone. His little home felt sad without him, he could feel his presence in the room but he wasn't greeted with the usual kind smile or warm kiss. He messed up and he knew it.


Hey guys well it turns out that people actually read this story and as you know I haven't updated in a while so I decided why not give you guys what you want. Here is chapter 12, like the menace I am I gave you guys another cliff hanger plus the gay babies have broken up Q-Q...sorry. Chapter 13 will in fact include the expedition and other things. So tell me guys what you think and if I should continue or not. And as usual stay kawaii >.< - kawaiilover9999678


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