Friends For-Never

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   © 2011
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First off, I just want to say this is my FIRST book and it goes a little towards Islam, but not quite... What I'm trying to show is a Muslim Teen is just like the non-muslim teen right next to her. A muslim girl that wears the hijab on her head is still a human being. A muslim teen still has knowledge and feelings. Muslims are no different than the non-muslims around them. Anway, I really hope you enjoy this short read. Please leave comments and votes. Also, PLEASE fan! It'd mean so much! Now, enjoy the story! :)

"Please try to make friends, this is your first day to school and i don't want you coming home sad and empty hearted, Fatima" said Fatima's mom. This family moved alot, mostly because the father, Abdi, kept on getting moved to different places to work as an engineer. The only child, Fatima, often got made fun of because how she looked, but mostly of what she wore on her head.

She wore some scarf, something called a hijab. A hijab is what Muslim girls wear on their head at a certain age. It represents modesty and respect. Fatima would cover her legs, arms, chest, and more on hot summer days.

She had to because it was her religion she looked forward to following it. Fatima was 15 years old, and she met new people and new places she had never been familiar with often.   There was this one time when she went to a school called North FloranceHigh.

 She met some very nice people that helped her get to her classes and such. But she also met some very rude girls too. They'd make fun of her because of her religeon and what she wore. They called her cruel names that were extremely offensive. Fatima just ignored then and avoided them until the next time she moved.

Though the next time she moved, her mother PROMISED Fatima that they would'nt move for a long time now. Maybe i can act different this year. Maybe people will like me for once in this school. They will maybe, just maybe like me for who i am. Fatima ran out of her door to catch the next bus.

While she was at the bus stop, an american man passed by her, he smiled and said "Assalamualaikum." Fatima was certain this man was not muslim, but she was incredibly amazed.

This man said Assalaumualaikum to show his knowledge, to show respect to others. Fatima finally had a feeling that the town she lived in was going to be bettter then her last. And the one before her last. AND the one previous from her last's last.

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