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You don't just dream when you're asleep. Most of the moments you are awake you dream. When you think, you dream, when you remember, you dream. For, dreaming is not only fantasising for the future but also dwelling in the past and thinking about the present. A dream can be sweet, it can be frightening, it can be sad. But the thing is, you decide your dreams, even though you may not know it, your dreams are only memories or fantasies played as a movie in your mind. Dreams are extraordinary things therefore, it is a extraordinary ability to be able to dream.

Here are three types of dreams:

A memory- On earth, humans do not normally count memory's as dreams or dreams as memory's. A humane definition of a memory is a thing remembered from the past, and that is exactly what it is. But, one big thing they are forgetting is, the emotion, and that what makes it a dream and depicts whether it is a joyful or upsetting dream. I won't say bad or good, as even if it is sad, it does not in any way generally mean it's bad.

A thought- Humans have constant thoughts throughout the day. Thoughts are funny things as they are limitless which means, you can have a thought about anything, anywhere, even things that are non existent. What makes a thought a dream is that, normally, when you think you somehow create a movie in your head, just off the spot! Even though a thought is something the human race gets used to, it's one of the most amazing abilities, behind love of course.

A fantasy- Human fantasies are what they called dreams or daydreams. My definition of a fantasy is something that you wish to happen and often fantasise about that thing happening. I, spend most of my time fantasising, I'm not called dreamer for nothing! I've always longed for something, someone to be just like me or even just have a habit of dreaming like me. Yes, even I, a spirit which you can not see, cannot touch, has a desire of her own.

So now you might just be putting the pieces of the puzzle together and figuring out that I am not a human but in fact a dreaming spirit who is a so called mystical goddess of dreams. Shock horror! I'm neither mystical or a goddess, i'm a spirit, just a spirit (who is slightly different to the others as I am more, shall we say, human like?). I have been blessed with a mainly human brain so as far as the spirits in my galaxy goes, I'm the only one who could actually communicate with a human if I wanted to. (but I have decided not to as I have discovered that humans have a fear of someone any kind of spirit, ghost thing talking to them!? A little strange as far as I'm concerned.) Just maybe, one day, I will talk to a human. (As long as it's the right person of course)

I have been around since the beginning of time when the creator of all kind blessed earth with the gift of dreams. I've watched the human race grow and witnessed Mother Earth at its finest and its worst. I have blessed each newborn with the gift of thoughts, memories and fantasies (something that I pride myself on). Yes, every single one. (Obviously I'm very busy, but when you're a spirit, time just seems to slow down a little bit...) Overall I know something's that the humans would just love to know (but I have sworn to keep them to myself for their sake).

Oh, another child has been born, I have a feeling this one is a special one, I don't know why, I just do. Ta ta reader! I'm of to this new child with the gift of dreams!

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it's so short, but keep reading for a something you definitely didn't see coming! And as as always vote, comment and share!

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