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It was the 8th of November 2001 and a child had just been born, but this child wasn't just any child. This child was one of the few children who come around who really make a difference, though you may not know, they will. For it could be anyone, your best friend, your enemie, the girl you met yesterday or maybe even you ... It could be any kind of difference, for there are many types of differences. Even if it is not broadcasted in the media and every human on planet earth is aware, it still is a difference. No difference is more important than any other.

After looking into her big blue eyes for what seemed for a long time, her parents decided on a name. Miracle. It suited her just perfectly they thought, even though she had only just been born, they felt like they've known her forever. She crinkled her nose as if something had just fallen upon her, her parents laughed. Miracle smiled with all the attention she was getting. "They normally don't smile in the first few hours!" A nurse spoke, clearly impressed. Her parents looked at the nurse and then back at the Miracle, they smiled to.

3 days later miracle was welcomed into her new home. Being a only child, Miracle got to spend every hour of the day with her loving parents. They played and laughed all day. She couldn't of had a happier babyhood. She seemed to be the luckiest little girl in the world.

Miracle quickly learned to walk and speak and count . Everywhere she went she would show off her talent to all the shopkeepers and her parents friends. They would always be impressed by her achievements and would congratulate her parents on their daughters accomplishments. They seemed to be the luckiest parents in the world.

Miracle grew into a beautiful young girl. Her silky blonde hair was scattered with natural gold strips and reached the bottom of her waist. Her blue eyes were still as bright and beautiful as the day she was born and was rimmed with dark eyelashes. Her bronzed skin was almost identical to her mothers. She was truly beautiful.

When Miracle was five, she told her mother that she only wanted to go to sleep because she loves to dream. Her mother chuckled, "What do you like to dream about?" She asked. "Angels," Miracles whispered "Dream Angels...". Her mother laughed once again and turned off the light "Good night my little dream angel" she said as she disappeared into the dark. Little did her mother know that there were actually things such and dream Angels and this wasn't any kind of childish dream, this was fate...

Meanwhile the dream spirit had also been having unusual dreams that she had no control over. She had dreams of a young girl who would one day come to speak with the spirit. The dream spirit often wondered why and how she was having these dreams, especially of a human. Little did the dream spirit know, that one day she will find out why she was having dreams of this child and what made her so special that even the dream spirit was dreaming about her.


Hey guys! Keep reading! I sorry this one is short as well but it's just a filler! As always, comment, vote and share!

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