Saying Goodbye

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Mum and dads funeral was a few days later. To this day I still remember the gloomy sky that cold winters morning. It reflected my mood perfectly. I sat in the car with grandma on the way to the cemetery. Neither of us said anything, there was nothing to say. So instead I rolled down my window and listen to the relaxing sound of the wind bristling the leaves on the the several evergreen trees. It took my mind of things for a bit, I sat and daydreamed like I used to. Oh, how I've always loved to daydream.

We arrived at the church after what seemed like a age. I couldn't breath. It was almost as if all the holiness from around me took my breath away. Literally. I calmed down just as my foot touched the stone steps at the beginning of the church. I saw hundreds of familiar faces, aunties, uncles, cousins, family friends and even people that I don't even know.It reminded me of grandpas funeral, except at his there were more elderly people and people in military uniforms. (Grandpa was high up in the army). They all faced me and started whispering, "Oh look, there's the daughter," "Oh, poor kid.". Well at least that's what I'm guessing. Grandma and I took a seat in the front pew. Soon, the priest came in and started talking. I didn't listen. I didn't want to hear anything that he said. He didn't know mum and dad and therefore, in my opinion he shouldn't be talking about their lives. He didn't feel the sadness that I felt, he's not the orphan. I eventually got walked up to the alter from my grandma. She held my hand the whole way. She's been doing that a lot lately. I fumbled through my coat pocket and pulled out a creased piece of paper. I drew a deep breath and spoke,

Dear mum and dad,
Only a few days ago you dropped me of to school, made me dinner, tucked me in at night. Now you're gone. Since your deaths life has been a blur. I keep reminding my self that you'll always be there, by my side leading me through the roller coaster of life. And I know you will. Don't be sorry, it wasn't your couldn't of done anything but fight for your lives, even though I wasn't there, I know you did. But I'm here to reassure you that I'll be ok. You'll be ok. Now that I know you're up there looking down over me I feel safe. You two are my protectors, my guardian angels. You died young, you didn't deserve it. Here or not I'll lead the life you wanted me, your only daughter to have. I'm with grandma now, she will take great care of me. I know she will. So mum and dad if I had any last words to say to you, it is that I love you to more than anything in the whole wide world.

I looked up, several tear stained faces smiled at me, not just with their mouths but with their eyes aswell. After I looked up everyone seemed to pause as if they were taking in all that I just said. After the dramatic pause I received a round of applause, not a loud one, we were in a funeral. Grandma led me back to my seat and kissed me on the forehead. "You're a miracle you are" she said proudly. I was surprised that in that second I didn't burst out crying. It must of been the overwhelming love and protection I got from grandma that held them back.

After all the guests left I stayed in the church to have chat with mum and dad. Grandma did it when grandpa died and she still does when she visits his grave. Grandma went outside as she said I needs some alone time. I made my way over to the coffin and lay my head against the shiny wood. Tears fell from my face onto the shiny object. They weren't tears of sadness, nor happiness, they were tears of love. "This isn't our last goodbye" I said to mum and dad. "There will never be a last goodbye... "

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