Chapter Twelve

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*Mikes POV*

I woke up in a bed. As I opened my eyes I realised that I was in my house. I thought and reminded myself about yesterday. A lot happened on that day. At first Kevin tried to kill hisself and then I kissed Chester. Also, he talked to Kevin and then we drove home by taxi. I ran a hand through my dark black hair. I noticed that I was sweaty all over my body so I decided to stand up and took a shower.
After fifteen minutes I was ready and went downstairs. Chester lay on my couch. He looked so sweet, so innocent and small.
I imediately shook my head.
What the hell was I thinking?!
My feelings must have gotten out of control since the kiss from yesterday. I wondered how everything would turn out. I mean we both were about to divorce with our wifes, and we kissed. So what?

I shook my head again to get rid of all those unnecessary questions. Instead I went to Chaz and shook him gentle.

"Hey there", I said softly as he opened his eyes.

"Hi Mikey", he yawned.

"Come on time to get up."

"Mf.. okay", he said and yawned again, "I'm gonna... jump under the shower 'kay?"

I nodded and went over to the kitchen line. My stomach growled loudly so I decided to make breakfast. Waffles would be good.

After Chaz showered we sat at the table, eating our waffles in silence.

"So... erm... I have a lot of questions in my head", he spoke up.


"At first I want to know how we continue with Kevin... I mean I... I feel a bit responsible for him... I dunno why but... you know?"

I nodded.

"And else I wonder what's now with us..."

I nodded again and it went silent.

"Yeah... me too... but... so... which question do you want to be answered first?"

"Euh what", he asked and blushed.

"Never mind", I whispered.

"Okay", he said and nodded.

"Let's get ready and drive to the hospital?"

"Yeah", he said. We stood up and cleaned the kitchen. I quickly changed my clothes. After a half an hour we were ready and climbed in my car.

Chester sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"You know it", he said.


"All this with Kevin gets me down... it reminds me too much of my own past", he said quietly.

"I know, I know... but... I know also that you did it"

"Yeah that's true but those memories still hunt me down. I think I never can get over it."

"Your past is a part of your life, Chazzy. It belongs to you even if it means hunting you down. Look, that sounds stupid now but if that didn't happen back then, you wouldn't be here right now next to me and you wouldn't be the perfect person who you are now. Don't think about that now, okay", I looked at him and rubbed his arm.

"Okay", he whispered quietly.

I started the engine car and we drove to the hospital. The ride was quiet. Both of us were drown in our thoughts.
We arrived and climbed out of the car. I locked it and looked at Chester.

"Hey, cheer up a bit", I said and smiled. He just nodded.

We entered the hospital, already used to the modern and huge looking building.

"Hey Mr Shinoda and Bennington", the woman at the counter greeted us.

"Can we see Kevin?"

"Yeah, you know where is room is right?"

"Right, thanks."

*Unknown Persons POV*

Free. That was the first thought when I left. I was caught and it felt like a demon would control me. No rights, only rules and responsibilities. I left and turned around. I smirked as i saw the huge building. I then turned back around and started walking towards the taxi. Yes I had enough money, because I still had friends outside. Friends who kept my apartment clean and neat until my comeback. And of course I already had a plan how to continue. I would take revenge. I grinned evily and climbed in the car.

The driver just looked at me and I nodded. He then started the engine and we drove into the direction of my next venue.

*Talindas POV*

I sighed, leaned back and was caught in two arms.

"What's wrong, babe", he asked and I just twiched my shoulders.

"I don't know."

"Come on, we talked about that already. You don't have to worrie about that. You know he doesn't love you anymore."

"I don't know..."

"Of course you know. You know how he acts in front of Mike. You can tell he's in love with Mike."

"Yes but I don't know... I feel guilty."

"But you are going for divorce, right", he asked and kissed me on the head.

"Yeah... of course but look what happens to our kids?"

"You know that we can get the full custody."

"He won't be ok with that. I know Chester."

"Don't worry hun, we'll find a way how we can get your children."

"But... isn't it brazen if I go for the full custody? Even if he would be aggreed with that... No, I can't do that. You have to understand."

"Yeah... okay, but at first I just want that you divorce with him, you promised me. I don't want that he is in the way between you and me, even if he probably made out already with Mike."

I nodded and got up.

"You're going?"

"Yeah", I said and grabbed my bag.

"Talinda, wait", he said but I just got out and shut the door. I wasn't in the mood. I mean, I cheated on my husband I used to love 'til the rest of my life for over six months. Of course I felt guilty. But since the happening back then it was all so different between him and me. He used to meet Mike a lot, he was always drown in his thoughts. Of course I tried to help him, because I know what he had to deal with in his past. He said that everything just refreshed his memories, and that they hunted him down every night and every free second.

Yeah, I was jealous, so I started going out on my own. Then I met Brian. And then everything changed. I met him a lot, almost every day. We got together and I started cheating on Chaz. I didn't feel love for Chester anymore, just for Brian. He cared when I had a problem, he was there for me and more.

I told Anna about everything and she told me that Mike acted towards her a lot different as well. Something must've happened back then. She said she wanted to go for divore with Mike.

I told Brian about that and he said that he wants to spend his life with me, of course I wanted too, but the problem was Chester. He was still there. And of course our kids. So I talked to Brian and we searched for the one and only solution. Divorce.

I could tell Chester knew that I cheated on him. But I didn't care anymore.

I sighed and climbed in my car. I would tell Chester when I got home. I was hella nervous and scared.

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