Chapter Thirteen

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*Talindas POV*

I parked my car in our driveaway and stopped the engine. I sighed and prepared myself mentally for the following acts.
I grabbed my bag and climbed out of the car. I looked at our huge house. It was almost a villa.

I took my keys and went to the frontdoor. I opened it and went in. Everything was dark. I know that our kids were at my moms house. But it looked like Chester wasn't there.

"Chester? Are you there?"

No respond. I got into the kitchen and saw that it was dark as well.

"CHESTER", I shouted again but again, no one responded.

So I decided to call him.

"Hello", his voice rang through the phone.

"Hello Chester."

"Oh Talinda", he said sarcastically.

"We need to talk", I said freezy.

"Since when do you want to talk to me?"

I noticed fast that he was pissed off as hell.

"Where are you?"

"I think you're not interested in hearing that."

"Of course."

"Well but I don't tell you where I am."

"You have to."


"Because I'm your wife."

I just heard him laughing.

"But let me guess. For not longer than a few weeks right? I know that you're cheating on me, Talinda. But you know what as well? I don't give a fuck. And do you know why?"

I didn't answer.

"Do you know why", he repeated.


"Because I'm in a relationship with Mike now."

*Mikes POV*

"Because I'm in a relationship with Mike now", Chester almost yelled through the mic.

My heart stopped. I couldn't believe what he said.

"Since when, you ask ME since when I'm in a relationship with him?! Since when are YOU cheating on me? Tell me, Talinda!"

"SINCE OVER SIX MONTHS", she screamed. Luckily we weren't yet in the hospital.

'Give me the phone' I mouthed and gestured Chester to give it to me.

He did so.

"Hello Talinda."

"Mike I need to talk to Chester", she said bitched.

"But I won't let you. What was the point you called him, instead of breaking his heart anyways?"

"I want divorce."

"Good, I think he wants now the same."

Chester looked at the phone. Sad but mad as well. I knew exactly how he felt. Even if he said that he was in a relationship with me now, that didn't mean that he wasn't disappointed and upset.

"I let you know when we are back. Until then I don't want that you ever talk to him again, okay?"



"Okay, Michael. Oh btw, have fun with Chester. He is so exhausting. Every night he wakes up crying, because of nightmares. He's a little whimp."

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