Day idek

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Sorry I totally dropped this. I wrote this last night so I'm gonna enter this as a challenge. I don't know if it's enough but oh well. This is from a writing "Write a scene that starts with 'He waited for her'."

He waited for her. For years he waited for her. He didn't know if she would ever come. But he looked for her in the shadows, in the wind passing by. In the subway carts which never stopped long enough for him to see. He was waiting. Singing til his face was blue. Playing til his fingers were numb. Hoping she would drop a dollar in his case. Maybe the melody of his smooth voice would pull her in. Maybe the strike of the chords would stir her heart. He didn't know how but he knew somehow she'd find him. He didn't know what she looked like or what made her smile. But he intended to find out. So in each face that passed he'd stare and wonder. Could it be? Nothing ever hit him quite like he imagined. It was destined to be. Yet nothing told him that it was she. He'd sing the blues and sing of love. But nothing was the right song. Then one day he sang of her hoping she'd sing along. Beauty in her golden locks of hair. Grace in her kind stare. All the faces make me wonder. Are you the girl I ponder? Come to me and love me true. I've been waiting for you. Watching faces pass by. Makes me ask why? Why haven't I found you? Why haven't our eyes met? Don't you know you're my safety net? Come with me cause I'm scared to death. I've been waiting for you. A second in time. A drop in the bucket. A head motion and locked eyes. That's when he knew. He'd gotten his prize. A drop of honey colored her eyes. Something clicked. Maybe it was butterflies,maybe he was sick. No, this was it. She gazed intently into his eyes. 'Whoever you wrote that for is special.' He smiled and replied 'you have no idea.' After years of pining and waiting for the girl from the subway who he'd never seen. He had found her. He knew he had picked the right spot and that one day, this day, he had found her. It didn't matter that he had never met her, never was told by a friend, never saw her face. He knew she was out there and he had finally done it. He had found his soulmate.

*Hope you like it!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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