Chapter 5: TEXAS BABY!

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College dragged but when the time came around I couldn't have been more excited. As soon as my last exam was finished, I waited for the 'senior' prom and then began packing my bags. Both Elly and I had a suitcase each which we packed full of every piece of clothing we thought we would need, basically our whole wardrobes.

The next week flew by as we prepared ourselves for the trip of our lives. We researched every local shop, how far the beach was, the weather and more every day until we felt like we already new the area. We were to be staying in a place called La Quinta Inn in New Braunfels, Texas. Unfortunately it was nearly a three hour drive to the beach but I didn't care because since I had just passed my drivers test and we were going to rent a car and all I wanted to do was drive.

Our flight was in the afternoon so my parents drove us to the airport at 11 so we could have sometime to eat lunch at Burger King and shop in all of the airport shops, especially WHSmiths. I have never once been and holiday and not bought a magazine or book from Smiths at the airport, it had always been a tradition, but I didn't know why. Sophie, Hannah, Jess and Amanda met us at the entrance to the terminal so excited to send us off on our journey. It was sad that they couldn't come with us but maybe one day, if I were to stay, they could come visit. We gave them once last hug as we all sad our goodbyes. We were only going for three weeks but my eyes still began to water. I quickly turned and walked away before anybody realised. I noticed Elly glance back to give them a final wave, but I couldn't, I had already said too many goodbyes.

I hadn't messaged Connor all day as I had been panicking about making sure I had everything. I realised it was finally time so I opened up the Skype app on my phone and pressed open his profile. I didn't want to waste any of Elly's shopping time so I quickly messaged him:

Heyy Con, at the airport! Can't wait to get on that plane, USA HERE I COME! xx

I didn't get a reply but Elly was getting impatient, so I decide to tweet as well. I didn't take me long but it made me laugh how anxious she was to go shopping. It was alright for me though as I had been to the same terminal that often that I knew my way around so it wouldn't take long to find places.

At quarter to 2 it was finally time to departure. We handed over our boarding passes and the staff checked our passports one last time before taking our seats on the plane. I had insisted that we travel economy as there wasn't much difference between economy and first class on most planes these days, except from the price of course. I place my hand luggage under the seat in front of my and began reading the magazines squashed into the pouch on the seat in front. The plane filled up quickly and I knew we were to be setting off soon. I looked out the window beside me and watched as another aeroplane sped up along the runway and took off into flight. I had missed the feeling of the idea of knowing I was about to embark on another adventure. I rested my head backwards and held my nose as the wheels of the plane were no longer touching the concrete runway below, we were now flying through the clouds at a terrifyingly fast speed to heights of over 1000s of feet. I took in the view knowing that soon I would be blinded by the Sun if I didn't close the window cover.

Elly had already plugged in her headphones and had her eyes closed ready to drift of into a peaceful sleep. I, however, had never been able to sleep on the outwards flight to my destination so I opened up my hand luggage to find my camera and MacBook. I was ready to start filming my journey. I began the video by telling everyone the time, destination, etc. and of course I had to catch Elly sleeping. We always found anyway to embarrass each other.

I managed to watch 3 movies, film part of my video and read 6 long chapters of a book in the 11 hours flight. Elly only woke up once to eat both mine and her food; airplane food makes me feel sick. She finally woke when the plane bounced to hit the runway at our destination. We were finally there.

Con you not? (Jc Caylen / Connor Franta fanfic, + many guest stars)Where stories live. Discover now