Chapter 11: Never Let Go

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Yes the days did past quickly and now it was sadly time for Ricky and Connor to go home. I had wished that they could stay longer but I was going back to England in a day anyway so I wouldn't have been able to see them. At least this way I had less goodbye to say on the day I go home.

We all woke up in glum moods knowing what had to happen. I was going to miss them so much. Obviously, especially Connor. They had already packed their bags etc. so we loaded the car and piled in so that we could all say good bye personally at the airport allowing us to spend as much time as possible with them.

The journey was horrible. One Direction was playing on the radio but none of us were in the mood to sing along, instead we sat in silence. Ricardo was driving with JC in the front seat. The rest of us were squished in the back hoping that we wouldn't get caught. Elly had originally offered to wait back at the hotel, until she met Ricky. I was sat on the right-hand side next to the car door, with Connor on my right. I was gazing out of the window, tears filling up my eyes in deep thought about all the good byes I'd have to say, when I felt him grab my hand and whispered 'Everything is going to be ok. I'll miss you.' I turned to face him and noticed a forces smile across his face as he tried to comfort me. He knew what I had been thinking about but I chose to ignore it and rest my head on his shoulder until we arrived at the airport. He smelt so good and had that sense of warmth that immediately calmed me down to be a little less anxious.

We eventually arrived at the airport and pulled up to drop them off. A tear began rolling out of my eye as everyone got out of the car to wish them a pleasant trip home. Never once in my life had I been so sad to see someone leave. Knowing that I would be the one doing this a day later made everything worse. Elly clung onto Ricky's hand so that she would be the last to say goodbye. Just like Elly, I clung onto Connor's hand. I didn't want to let him go. I knew that I had unresolved feelings for both him and JC but right at this moment, I wanted Connor. He couldn't leave, not now, not after everything. It killed me to have to let him go. JC and Ricardo hugged both Ricky and Connor and while Elly was giving Ricky on last hug, that lasted forever, Connor pulled me over so that we were further away from the car.

Connor's POV

We arrived at the airport and began saying our goodbyes. I was holding Isabella's hand and I didn't want to let go. I knew that she was leaving tomorrow anyway but I just wished I could stay and be able to say goodbye to her then. JC came over and gave me a hug but I still would not let go. He gave me an annoyed look but I ignored it as he was still like a brother to me and he did actually look disappointed that we had to leave. It had always been the same every time we visited. I can't wait for the day when we all move to California to pursue our dreams, I hope Izz can come with us, after all it had always been one of her dreams to move there eventually. Next up to hug me was Elly, who gave me a quick hug, said 'Have a safe journey' and ran straight back and flung her arms around Ricky, it was cute. Isabella had told me how she hadn't seen her to be so 'in love' with someone before. I was happy for them. I honestly hadn't seen Ricky be so close to a girl like that before either and he is my best friend. The only girl I've seen him close with is his best friend Shelby, but he was close with Elly on a completely different level, obviously.

Everyone had finished hugging (whilst vlogging), except Ricky and Elly, and so I realised this was my chance to finally tell Izz how I felt. I know that I didn't want to stop her from fulfilling her goals and I didn't want to make things awkward between us but there was competition now. If I left without telling her and JC had him alone, he would for sure make her fall for him. I did not want that. I loved JC and all but I didn't want him to get her. I know it probably sounds selfish but I needed her to know.

I pulled her over so that we weren't in listening distance from the car, that way no one else could hear anything I had to say to her. She followed willingly but a little worry appeared across her face.

"Izz..." I began hoping that she would respond in a positive way.

"Connor." She replied. She used 'Connor' instead of 'Con'; she knew what I was about to say was serious.

"I have something to say. We've known each other for 2 years now and we've got to know one another quite well. I'd trust you with my life." She smiled. "I know I'm leaving and this probably isn't the best time to say this, and you're leaving tomorrow and we will be back to the old messaging again, but I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me. I..."

Ricky and Elly came over and interrupted, still holding hands. Ricky pushed in front of me to hug Isabella and Elly gave me a hug. "We better get going as we will be boarding our planes soon" Ricky announced looking back over at JC and Ricardo to give them a wave. He kissed Elly on the cheek, tugged on my shoulder and began walking off and Elly did, but in the opposite way. I hugged Isabella one last time and ran after Ricky, regretting every move that I made. I wanted to stay behind. I wanted to have one last day with her.

"Everything will be alright but today is not the right time. She'll be back soon." Ricky reassured me but I couldn't stand being away from her.

Isabella's POV

He was about to tell me something and I could tell that it was something important, but Ricky and Elly interrupted. It was time for them to leave so we hugged one last time until Ricky began tugging on his shoulder. I had to let go. Elly had already begun walking back to the car, wiping away each tear that escaped. I just stood there watching as every step he took into the distance sent a knife straight through my chest. I looked down at the ground and slowly turned around to head back towards the car.

"IZZZZZZZ" I span around in shock that my name was being called so loudly. Through my blurry eyes a familiar figure was speeding towards me, grabbed hold of my hand and planted his lips on mine. Connor. He had to go but he came back. I was so confused. He came back to kiss me? It was magical, just like when JC had kissed me but in a completely different way. I couldn't describe it. He pulled away, smiled and ran off again, this time forever.

I was in shock at what had actually just happened. I had to leave the airport as soon as possible before I ran after him. I ran back to the car, running my finger over my lips where Connor's had just been and burst into the heaviest tears I could've imagined. I didn't care what everyone was thinking.

JC placed his hand on my shoulder but I could feel his eyes glaring between me and the space where Connor and I had just experience our first kiss, wondering what it meant. To be honest, I didn't know what it meant yet either. My heart was pounding out of my chest as I rested my head on the window dramatically gazing into the distance. I wanted to stay, but I wanted to go home now. To see all my other friends and speak to them. Elly was happy that she had found Ricky but now we were both torn apart.

Our trip home is going to be so much fun. Not. Both of us sat there crying for different but similar reasons. We had the rest of the day to kill and I wasn't sure if I wanted to spend it with JC right now. I knew I would have to, after all I couldn't just spend my last day alone. We had to pack so straight back to our hotel it was. Then back to the airport tomorrow to say our final goodbyes. England, here I come.

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