C4: One Trick, One Second

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Maths - Last Period

"Today we will have a mini maths test! It's all simple questions and I'm gonna test your thinking speed," Koro-sensei explained.

"EHHH NO WAY!" The whole class yelled.

"Nurufufufu~" Koro-sensei's expression now changed into yellow and green stripes, I suppose that means he's looking down on people. He passed us the papers at incredible speed and we instantly started to do it.

I looked at the paper, it's so simple.

I took my pencil and started to write all answers without stopping to think. The paper had 4 pages, and I finished it in less than 3 minutes.

"Sensei, I'm finished," I raised my paper.

"That's amazing Senya-san! You took about 3 minutes and 18 seconds to do everything without stopping to think. It's as if the answer is already in your genius brain of yours. I'm very proud of you!"

"Eh~ Not bad Yuki~" The red haired spoke.

"Karma-kun, your time is 3 minutes and 26 seconds, a bit behind on Senya-san. However you did great as well."

"Well~ It's really simple ya know, I have to admit Yuki's pretty good," he replied.

"It isn't a matter of good or bad," I said, "Once you see the question, all you have to is just use the pencil and give affliction to the paper. Just like slaying a ghoul with a quinque, all you have to do is give death to them. If you can't slay, you can't give the pain of death."

"Ne Yuki~ how does this relates to ghouls?" Karma asked.

"Who knows. And sensei, is it alright if I go home now? If there's homework, I can just do it tomorrow morning," I asked while putting my things into my bag.

"Well..do you have any important appointments or something?" Koro-sensei asked.

"Something like that," I replied nonchalantly.

With that I left the classroom.


Nighttime - 11:29PM

I was walking around while passing street lights flickering in the phantom night, there were no clouds in sight; it was a clear eerie sky with the destroyed crescent moon in full brightness.

Even if it wasn't a full moon, it was still so bright. As I looked further and concentrated my vision on the sky, I see very faint twinkling stars. They looked like as if they were trying their best to outshine the crescent moon.

I turned away from the sky and continued walking without a care for the world.

No matter how many steps I took; no matter how intelligent am I; no matter how great I am, I'm still...worthless.

As thoughts filled my mind, I came across this drunk-like person.

"Y-you....you...g-gi...g-give me...you...your your your...." After saying those drunk-like words, in an instant, he jumped inhumanly high into the sky, preparing to land on me.

As we were just centimetres apart, I sighed, "You're annoying."


The Next Day

I sat down on my seat, I came pretty early because of what happened yesterday. Meaning that I didn't had sleep at all, oh well, not like it would affect my daily life.

I sat down, thinking what would happen today.. Oh yeah, there was this bet I made with Akabane Karma. Tch, I don't want to use my energy. I shouldn't had agreed.

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