My views of religions and people that have one

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I think God is not real. There is no logical reasoning for his existence and is just a stupid idea in general. If he made everything what created him because something that wasn't created by anything is simply non-existent. Though i think the dumbest thing about god is christians. What they do is they blindly follow. How do i know this? Because if they DID think about how we are here then they would realize that god is an illogical concept and just doesn't make any sense. Another thing about Christians is how mean they are to atheists. I think that christians are so mean to us atheist because they're so smug about being christian that they don't want to hear what we have to say about god because they think what we say is irrelevant and what they have to say is always right. I just find it funny how stupid they are when it comes to listening to our views on religion because its only atheist that christians target not anyone of other religions. I think i actually get why christians target ONLY atheists. I guess its because they try to warn us about going to hell but they don't realize that it comes out very offensive. Also we don't worry about going to heaven or hell because we don't believe in a heaven or hell. I'll be honest though some christians aren't bad and keep religion to themselves or they say stuff about religion and don't be offensive about it. Basically my point is with this rant is religion makes me sick and the only thing that makes me even more sick is most of the people that have one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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