The Boy

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At the rebellious stage of 15, Emma brings home a boy much to the dismay of Sherlock...


Ever since learning the whole truth about your death when she was just five years old, Emma has been a bit of a rebel. Sherlock always told her you died in a car accident, but as she got older, she started to question it. Sherlock stuck to his story and even got John, Mrs. Hudson, and Mary to get in on it. 

Of course none of them wanted her to know that you had been found murdered, cut open, and holding your heart in your hands in some warehouse, stuffed inside a box. Loosing a mother was already traumatizing enough. 

Ever since that day, Sherlock has been very protective of Emma. It made him a great father, but there were times where he was a bit overbearing. For example, when she got the flu when she was four, he was convinced she was poisoned and going to die. Clearly, John had to set him straight. 

Then there was another time where she was getting bullied at school and Sherlock, instead of being a normal parent and going to the school, went up to the kids and told them how they would end up when they got older. One would be a drug dealer with an abusive mother, the other a very successful man with a family, but several mistresses that would end up plotting to kill him when they found out about each other, and so on and so forth. 

But ever since Emma found out about you, it's been harder to keep track of her. She found out by snooping around Sherlock's room and finding a bunch of newspaper clippings from the day you died. First off, Sherlock always told Emma that you were both married, but one of the headlines said, "Girlfriend of Sherlock Holmes Found Dead" and another, "[Y/F/N], Girlfriend of the Detective Sherlock Holmes, Murdered by Believed Dead, James Moriarty"

She dug around some more and found another headline; "James Moriarty Dies From Heart Attack at Government Ball." Emma never saw Sherlock the same after that. She put two and two together and figured out that he had killed Moriarty. Of course, she knew her Uncle Lestrad wouldn't ever look into Sherlock, or let anyone look into him for that matter. 

Sherlock couldn't balance work and Emma anymore. Soon, his work became Emma, but that ended up being harder than trying to find a murderer. So, he went back to his detective work and left Emma to be her own person again. 

But this time was bad. Very bad. Sherlock couldn't have seen this coming because he's been loosing track of his daughter, but now he knows why she had to go to "a friends house" for a "study group". She wasn't going over to just any friend's house. She was going over to a boy's house. 

Sherlock figured it out when she came home a little later than she should have and smelling like cologne. Not only that, but her hair was shuffled and her lips were smeared (hardly noticeable to the human eye, but this is Sherlock Holmes). 

Needless to say, Sherlock was not happy. He told John who, like Sherlock, was very protective of her, but didn't show any sign of being it being a complete loss. Mrs. Hudson thought it was cute, as did Mary. Sherlock tried to get Lestrad into looking in on this kid, but he refused, saying Emma was a girl and was going to have lots of boyfriends. He said he would look into one if she was going to get married. 

That made Sherlock snarl and become even more upset. What got him even more upset was the fact that Emma would never tell him about this boy, even though he already knew. He didn't tell her he knew because he wanted her to tell him herself. But it never happened and every night, Sherlock sees his daughter come home with rumpled clothes and smeared face. 

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