Why Could I Not Deduce That?

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In which you tell Sherlock you're pregnant...


"Well, you are pregnant," John told you, as he finished looking over your charts. You had made an appointment with him because you hadn't been feeling well these past few weeks. Sherlock couldn't deduce what it was (which frustrated him to no end, as you can imagine).

You placed your hand over your stomach and smiled. You're pregnant! This is probably the greatest news you've heard since...ever! You've been wanting to have a child since you could remember and you're having it with your one true love! 

Apparently this news wasn't settling with John too well because he looked distractedly at the charts. For a moment, you thought there was something else. "John? Is there anything else, or...?" He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it. 

"It's just..." He flipped through the papers on his charts, then looked back up to you. "You're pregnant," he stated. You nodded with a huge grin. He continued, "...with Sherlock Holmes' baby." Again, you nodded with a wide grin. 

He looked at you curiously, then said, "You do realize you have to tell him? That you're pregnant. With his child. Sherlock Holmes. Who is going to be a father. In just eight months. Because you're seven weeks along. Christ, Sherlock Holmes is going to be a father." 

He put his head between his knees and took several deep breaths. You started laughing, then asked, "Aren't I supposed to be the one panicking?" He came back up from his knees and said, "You're right, you're right." 

For the next fifteen minutes, he explained what you should do if you get morning sickness, pains, cramps, etc. The more he went on, the more you actually started to freak out because it was starting to hit you that this was really happening. 

You were having Sherlock Holmes' baby. 

"Any questions?" He asked once he was done. You nodded quickly. "Um...how do I tell Sherlock?" John let out a light laugh and scooted his chair closer to her. "I'm going to be honest with you, [Y/N]...I have no idea."


On the way back to Baker Street, you had a ton of thoughts whizzing through your head. How were you going to tell Sherlock? How is he going to handle the news? Would he be happy? Angry? Not want anything to do with you anymore? He hates kids; he's told you that so many times. Will he change his mind knowing that it's his?

Before you knew it, the cab stopped in front of Baker Street. You paid the driver and got out on wobbly legs. This was the most exciting, yet most nerve-wracking moment of your life! 

You walked inside and was immediately greeted by Mrs. Hudson. "Hello, dearie! Oh, my...you look like you're glowing!" You blushed deeply and waved her off. "I'm sick, remember?" You tried to say to throw her off the fact that you're pregnant. You wanted Sherlock to know before anyone else...save for John. 

"You look perfectly fine to me, dear," she told you. "What did John say?" As if it were no big deal, you said, "Just a cold. A little bit of rest and I should be fine in a few days." She looked over you skeptically, reminding you of Sherlock a little bit. 

Before she could deduce anything, you quickly started making your way upstairs. You walked into the flat and let out a huge sigh. That was close. Mrs. Hudson could read you like a book, even more than Sherlock, if you let her. 

You were brought out of your thoughts when there was a loud BASH! sound hitting the floor. "Goddammit!" Sherlock's frustrated voice rang. You rolled your eyes and shook your head, before taking off your coat and making your way into the kitchen. 

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