Chapter 4~Sierra

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Principal Rita sat in front of me at her desk. Her hands were folded and her body leaned forward enough for me and my mom to get uneasy.

"I'm so sorry, Carol. I didn't want to take you out of work to come talk about your daughter, but she has broke the rules of life and balance again. She has injured, possibly, the most important human being on in this school and the world. Do you know how much she deserves to be expelled?"

My mom was trembling so bad, even Principal Rita was starting to regret what she said to my mom while I was listening to every word. It wasn't like this was our first go-round. I was leaning back in my chair and my feet were crossed by the ankles on Principal Rita's desk. She didn't want to get on my bad side, so she didn't dare tell me remove my feet. Mother was glancing at me uncertainly.

I felt that I had to speak up in my own defense which angered Principal Rita, " Look, yeah I hurt pretty boy. So what? He isn't this 'god,'" I said while shaking my hands in the air and making air quotes. "By any means, he's just an albino guy, minus the pink eyes and the sexiness."

Principal Rita's mouth twitched. I knew I struck the right cord to make her lose it. She started to rise a little out of her chair and spoke in death tongue, "You are an ungrateful, worthless, rebellious, Devil's daughter. You are not a grateful or deserving child. You deserve to die and be burned at the stake like the Salem Witches. Your ashes dying with you. Never to be collected in an urn and cherished by loved ones. You deserve no more life."

Mother, finally, decided to butt in, "My daughter just doesn't believe as easily as the other students here. She's always been a strong believer in whatever she feels like she should believe in. Please, we can't take her anywhere else. No one else will grace us with accepting her. We promise to have her believing by the end of her high school life. Please, you know I don't have any other option, Rita."

My mom started to get teary eyed and I rolled mine. I couldn't take her shit for much longer. I removed my feet from Principal Rita's desk and crossed my right leg over my left thigh. Arms were folded tightly.

Principal Rita gave me one last dagger stare and, then, it turned to pity as she looked at my mom. She knew exactly how much work it was to keep calling me her daughter. I didn't feel bad at all, so I basically shut them out, but that was a mistake because I heard Godalogy class being spoken and that is when I chose to listen. "One hour in Godology everyday for the next month should be enough punishment for her crime. Does that work, mom?"

My mouth was open in surprise. I closed it and rolled my eyes, "Am I done now?"

Principal Rita nodded in disappointing defeat. I walked out like a proud bitch. I didn't even care to look back at the two ladies who want me to be more than I am. More like the perfect being. The joys of being born into this world.

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