Chapter 5~Pureos

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I exited the nurse's office and Majestic walked out with me, but she had to go to her class and I had to go to math.

I didn't know how hard it was going to be in St. Mary's. All of the people that believe in the same thing I do. All except for one.

As I walked to math class, I felt the presence of her and walked forward. There she was. Sierra Black walked down the adjoining hall to my right and didn't look where she was going as she bumped into me. She didn't bump into me hard enough to knock me down. I grabbed her upper arms and she looked at me. Her black eyes still unreadable to me. I smiled warmly.

Sierra gazed at me and I let go of her arms and held my hands up, apologetically. "Sorry, just stopping you from getting mad at me again."

I lowered my hands. I knew I shouldn't have spoken about that because it looked like she was looking forward to hitting me again, until she realized she had to go somewhere.

"Whatever, pretty boy. I got somewhere more important to be. Lucky you survived my signature punch." She walked in front of me and entered the room to my left. She didn't bother to look back but she did have time to flip me off. Her raven black hair swung over her shoulder.

I frowned and continued on to math class. The hall was littered with a couple students here and there. The white uniforms were causing me to see purple spots whenever I looked outside.

I saw the courtyard with it's patterned grass and concrete sidewalk and entry way. In the center of it all was a marble statue of Jesus on the cross. I frowned as I saw one thing that shouldn't be there.

In the back of the statue, a hint of red caught my eye. Someone had disgracefully wrote their name into the stone pedestal propping the statue. Only one person would be that dumb as to vandalize school property nevertheless Jesus and the cross itself.

Sierra, Sierra. Why do you have to be this mysterious in your motives. I can't figure out for the afterlife of me what you plan on doing. I pray that I can find out soon enough.

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