Reid's coffee shop

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(5 years later)
As Juliet is working register at Reid's she noticed a girl that walked in now maybe she didn't notice her whole look but here eyes,her eyes were what caught her.she seen those eyes before she's looked into them a thousand times weather they were filled with tears,rage,or happiness she's seen them before. As Jul snapped out of her day dream she heard the costumer say
"Take a picture it'll last longer"with a grin
"Oh sorry may I take your order"Jul says
"Yea I'd like a coffee frappe and a cinnamon doughnut"
"Ok and the name on the cup will be....?"
And from that moment on Juliet knew where those eyes were from the ones that she cried about for months on end after Ruby left,she couldn't dare to look her in the eyes again
"Ok that will be 4.09$,if you want you can take a seat"Jul said
After she made the coffee she said
Ruby walks up and gets her coffee as soon as she about to turn and walk away Juliet says
"Do I know you from somewhere?"
"Well I am a dj you might have seen me at a club"Ruby says
"No no no from high school did you(gco)"
"Juliet get back to work or I'm gonna have to let you go this is the third time this month"says her boss John
"Ummm John can I take my break?"says Juliet while Ruby waits for her
"I guess but don't forget only a half-n-hour"
"Yes sir thank you"say Jul
As they step out the building Juliet says
"As I was saying before did you go to high school out here"
"Yea I did I went to WHS"Ruby says
"Wait what's your last name"Juliet asks
"Rose,Ruby Rose is my name"
"Rose" Juliet mumbles
"Yea,why?"Ruby says
"Rose,rose,ROSE.Ruby you don't remember me?"Jul said
"Ummm no why should I"
"The question is why shouldn't you we were together all through high school...well we were"Juliet's says
"Oh my jinxx Juliet,you've changed a lot what happened to your hair?" Ruby ask
"I know I changed and I died it,why didn't you tell me you were back?"
"I didn't feel the need to"
"What do you mean you didn't feel the need to Ruby,if your feelings were as real as mine I would've known you were back"
"Listen Juliet I didn't think it was that big of a deal"
"How long?"Juliet says
"How long what?"
"How long have you been back" Juliet yells
"Oh not long,maybe a month or two"Ruby said
"I can't believe you,you know what I have to get back to work see ya around"Juliet says ready to walk off
"Juliet wait,please let me explain"Ruby says grabbing Juls hand
"There is nothing you can say anymore Ruby"Juliet says walking off
Hey guys I'm back but I just want your feed back on the book so leave some comments I know I know it starts off boring but it shall get better~janay

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