Long way home

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Juliet was on her way out the door while it started pouring rain
"Ughhhh great this sucks,completely sucks"Juliet groans
Ruby just happened to be driving by when she sees Juliet and takes the chance so she pulls up beside her and says
"You need a ride"
"No"l said
"Come on love it's pouring out,the least I could do is drive you home"Ruby said
"Fine but only because I want to watch my pll"Juliet says
"I can't believe you still watch that,I always got confused"
"I know Ruby that's why I had to walk you through it"Juliet says
Ruby laughs and says
"Yea I remember that those were some of our better times"Ruby mumbles but little did she know that Juliet heard it
"So I hear that you got a girlfriend"Juliet says trying to make little talk
"Oh yea her name is Phoebe she's beautiful"Ruby says daydreamingly
"Oh I'm happy for you"Juliet says kind of sad
"What about you,you have a love life?"Ruby asks
"Um no after you I kind of lost hope...."
"Oh.um you never told me where you lived"Ruby says
"Um 114 Perry dr(made up)"Juliet says shyly
And from there on there was silence
As Juliet zones out she soon heard
"We're here"
"Oh thanks Ruby"Juliet says opening the door
"Wait can I have your number?"Ruby ask
"Ummmmm yea sure I guess it's 508-935-2308,thanks again Ruby goodnight"
Ruby then waits for her to get into the house to drive off as she's driving she thinking out loud
"Why would I give that up she is a great girl and I broke her heart how stupid am I?I mean yea Phoebe is great and all but Juliet she was the one,but I know she will never give me another chance"
(Fast forwards to Ruby at her apartment)
There her girlfriend is waiting up for her
"Did you get the dog food"she says
"Shit I forgot it do they have enough till morning?"Ruby says totally forgetting the reason why she went out in the first place
"Yea but right when you wake up get your butt in the car and get dog fo-you know what I'll make you a list"
"Ok thank you babe I'm so tired so I'm goona hit the sack"Ruby says as she goes to kiss Phoebe
"Ok I'll be in"
As Rubys laying in bed she thinks about texting Juliet,but then she think wait a minute I could ask if she is gonna be in tomorrow so she can make our coffee in the morning
R-hey it's Ruby
J-oh hey
R-so are you gonna be at work tomorrow?
J-um no it's my day off why?
R-oh no reason but do you want to hang out tomorrow maybe catch up?
J-um I can't I have to go see my mom and baby brother sorry😔
R-no it's fine ttyl
(End of convo)
But in reality it wasn't fine with Ruby she just wanted to see her again not because she wanted to hang out as friends but she wanted to see if there was anything left between the two
Hey guys janay here I hope you guys are liking it so far but I'm gonna most likely be updating like every other day because I have no life😩 but read on

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