The mall pt.2

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As soon as Ruby seen what Juliet was wearing she hurriedly tried to leave it's like her mind is saying get your ass out of there right now,but her body is saying stay there and stare at her.
"I hope you're ok with what I'm wearing"Juliet says
"Oh no it's fine,it is your house after all"Ruby says wishing how she could just take her to her room
"Do you want a tour?"
"Yea sure"Ruby says while getting up
"Well this is my room,that's the guest room,that's the kitchen this is the bathroom,and that's the living room"Juliet says walking through the house
"You have a very beautiful house,I think you rooms my favorite though"Ruby said
"Thanks,but are you hungry or thirsty or anything?"
"Nah I'm good but I should get going"Ruby says while walking over to where Juliet was standing
"Um ok I'll see you when I see you then"
Right after the words left her mouth Ruby grabs Juliet's face and starts kissing her Juliet jumps up on Ruby and Ruby Lead them to Juliet's room as soon as they got there Ruby put her on the bed.Ruby soon took off her shirt and then as she was going to take off Juliet's shirt Juliet says
"Ruby we can't do this you have a girlfriend"
"Ok but what she doesn't know won't hurt her now will it"
"It might in the long run Ruby"
"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want this and I'll stop"Ruby says hoping she won't do it
"Ruby you know I can't do that"
"Why can't you do it hmmm why Juliet"Ruby asks
"Because I still love you"
"Ok then why can't we do this why can't we make love?"
"Because Ruby I'm not ready yet at least not with you"Juliet says while looking down
"What's that supposed to mean"Ruby says
"Ruby I still don't forgive you I'm sorry and yes I love you but I'm not that forgiving"
"I only did what was best for me Jul,I'm sorry but wasn't thinking bout you"Ruby says
"But what about me I thought you loved me see this is why I can't deal with it this is why I have trust issues,because of you"Juliet yells
"I think it's best if I leave"Ruby says
"Yea I think it is"
After Ruby leaves Juliet just sits there and thinks about how hurt she really is and how Ruby mistreated her

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