Almost Perfect [s]

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Amberly opened the door and stepped in her room with a sigh. She looked up and her jaw dropped as she took in the stunning person standing inside. Instantly, she knew that the one she'd been waiting for all her life was...standing right in front of her.

Warm, hazel eyes seemed to gaze right into her soul. Rich brown hair that she wanted to run her hands through...creamy skin...full, angelic lips. Those perfect lips offered a gentle smile before parting.


She closed her eyes in pleasure, relishing the sound of that smooth voice. It was like chocolate from vocal cords. Just one word, and she knew she'd found her soulmate. She opened her eyes again to see arms spread wide, ready to receive a hug.

Amberly was overcome with love. She swore, right then and there, that she would become a better person. She wouldn't stare too long at the abs of hot guys in movie trailers. She wouldn't be a troll to her friends and other people. She would fix all of her flaws for the person standing right before her.

"Just after this," she murmured, and walked closer to her soulmate, who was doing the same with a grin that made her heart melt.

Finally, they were just inches apart. She was one second away from kissing the one of her dreams. She took the last step...

...and crashed into the mirror.

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