Tagged [j]

15 2 4

I heard you like bad girls. Well, I was tagged by @kira106 to answer 13 questions, but I'm only answering some of them and I'm not posting the rules. #rebel

1. Have you ever made a fool out of yourself in public?

Definitely, and more than once, but I don't want to talk about it since I'll spend an hour afterward wallowing in embarrassment.

2. What superpower do you want?

To be able to put anyone in someone else's shoes for a moment. I could use it on myself to understand someone else, or use it on other people so they can understand what it's like to be me.

3. What creeps you out?

-Anything crawly when it's in my room (other than, like, a ladybug)
-Surgeries that completely transform a person's appearance (so you wouldn't be able to recognize the person)
-Gory makeup and actual gore

4. Ever played "Truth or Dare?"

Yes, with my friends. But the dares are always harmless, and it's usually more truth than dare.

5. What is your zodiac sign?


6. Ever acted super crazy in front of your crush? And if yes then what was it?

Probably, and I just don't know it/blocked it out because it was too cringe-worthy for me to handle.

7. What would be your perfect day?

I wake up early and refreshed. My sleep debt that has been piling on for years has been washed away. I take a morning jog and return home barely winded because I'm fit. I eat a nutritious and delicious breakfast. After I head to my room, I don't have to think about what to wear because I'd already laid my outfit out the night before. At home (because it's summer), I work and learn, completely focusing on what I have to do and accomplishing a lot. I take a reasonably timed break to eat a wonderful lunch and return to working hard. At around 3-5 I stop working and have hours of free time to read, write, sing, and play tennis and violin. I go out with friends for dinner/hanging out at 7 and come back at 9 to read/write more, making progress on the books that I'm well on track to finishing, before going to bed early.

Well, that was cheesily perfect.

8. Stupidest question someone asked you?

Stupidest question someone asked you?

..ha, just kidding. It's probably "Oh, you're Korean...North or South?"

9. Do you believe in aliens or wizards?

No. Really wished that I'd get my Hogwarts letter when I was 11, though.

10. What was the funniest moment of your life?

I don't know. I like to laugh a lot, and I've laughed so much a few times that my rib cage really hurt, I couldn't breathe, and people passing by looked at my friends and me weirdly and/or asked, "Are you okay?"

11. Favorite movie?

Astroboy. I also liked Wall-E.

I tag anyone who feels like doing it. If you're bored, go ahead :P

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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