Strange New View | Part 5

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I never actually thought that our life would be changing so quickly. Well, most would expect that from a young filly such as myself but come on! The crowd of unicorns had begun to surround us, some continued sobbing in joy probably, others were smiling widely at us, while one old and wise looking unicorn came out of the crowd to inspect us.

"You two must be the daughters of the Sun Queen: Galaxia and Moon King: Cosmos" The stallion stated, knowing fully well that control of the sun and the moon is only a power that is passed down. "That makes you two the new rulers of Equestria, of course when the time comes you will be crowned Queens. As of now, fillies are not suitable for complete power."

"My sister and I are not fillies." Tia had cut of the grey stallion, her poise and grace never leaving her side. "Rather we require a bit of knowledge and training. Royalty is in our blood, the control of this kingdom is ours." She was taking up so much responsibility in a matter of time. I'm shocked myself. The stallion was only perplexed at what my sister was saying, but how she executed it as well, "Your Majesties: I am Farison the leader of the unicorns and of this town we call home." His name was Farison, what an odd name, "The Pegasus and the Earth ponies have lived in separate lands for many years. However, I believe with your persuasion the country can live in harmony once more." With those words of 'encouragement' he turned to face the crowd of ponies with the stoic expression, "Your princess, Unicorns! Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna!" After his words the explosion of cheers flew into the air under the shining moon directly above our heads. There was nothing we could do but beam at the excited ponies. 

I stared at the moon, never uttering a word and Celestia was being praised for raising the sun at such a young age. As well as her being so collected and fit for a leader. There was no room for me to be jealous, I as well raised the moon at an even younger age so there was equal accomplishment amongst the two of us. Yet, the brown figure that I spotted while flying was inching closer and closer to me. There was a small crack in the town wall that happened to fit a small filly such as myself. Inching away from the center of the crowd and towards the crack, I met face to face with Discord who remained taller than me.

"Luna! Or should I now say...Princess Luna of the Night." He acknowledged my newly given title, attempting to hold onto any joy he could muster.

"Discord, why do you speak so sadly?" I tried to find the cause of his sadness, before Tia and I came across this town he spoke with mischief and laughter, "The Unicorns dislike my people,  seeing that I am the last one and that I am speaking with a princess will cost my head on a plate." He explained, actually showing some weakness. His eyes did not leave the ground, his mismatched body parts were still so small, he must be around my sister's age then, "No, I will not risk my friend being killed...I'll even introduce you to Tia one day," "One day young Luna, lead your country well for me until then." Before I could say a word he was surrounded by a puff of smoke, he disappeared from his spot. For you could see him running a few feet away, back into the forest where I first talked to him.  

"Luna! Come on we have to meet the Pegasus!" Tia called out to me, when I turned around the smile of my pink maned sister was right next to me. Her smile was somewhat strained, I knew that I was caught talking to an unknown creature. Even so, I nodded back with a tiny grin on my face knowing that Tia couldn't do anything to scold me, "Coming, sister."

{ Celestia's P.O.V. || Five months Later }

It's been five months since my sister and I have been crowned Princesses of Equestria. At the moment we are traveling back to our main town from a trip persuading the Earth Ponies to come and settle closer to our new capital. The town we discovered actually doesn't have a true name, or settlement, so my sister, the leader, and myself have carefully decided to move to a new area to escape the changeling's area of power. Or as it was once called: the lost capital where the changelings rule. The new capital will be a prosperous city called  Canterlot. The city will be high up in the mountains that could be visible from the settlement, we followed a steady stream that began high up in the mountain. We've been traveling on hoof while returning back to our new beloved home with a small army of unicorns to protect us.

"Tia~" My younger sister whined out to me, "My hooves are aching~" The complaint caused a smile to be planted on my face, she will never change, "Alright...come on my back." I offered my back for her to ride, I don't want to deal with her whining any longer than that, "Yay! Thank you Tia~" Her small delicate voice cheered as she climbed on top of me, and lay her head on mine. The small army surrounding us had hid their smiles at the sight of sisterly bond. On our journey of persuading the different ponies, we were brought to the conclusion that the Alicorns were now wiped out and Luna and I were the survivors. The different kinds of ponies thought that Alicorns were merely an idea of past legends. What a strange point of view.

"Princess Celestia, Canterlot is now in sight." One of the Unicorns who brushed away his obvious happiness, told me with a strong voice. Looking in the front of my path, there was a beautiful castle in place of the makeshift house that we left months ago, "It's beautiful, Luna look!" I was practically mesmerized by the new building. Feeling Luna's gasp as she gazed upwards, we must look like little fillies by our stares, "Is this for us?" My younger sister asked, looking to the stallions that guarded us. The same pony, nodded with excitement that fed on her's, "Let's say welcome to our new home."  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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