The Sweet Beginning | Act 1

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This story is in Third Person Point of View unless stated otherwise)

 Celestia and Luna slept peacefully as the sun was just barely rising. This was the works of the two rulers, or in this case Celestia and Luna's parents. Since the two fillies were the princesses, they are currently living in the Castle. The Castle, at the time housed the king and queen, Celestia, and Luna. Now that the Sun was now shining it's rays into the window of the fillies bedroom, Celestia was now waking up from her rest. She sat up on her bed, and looked at her younger sister Luna. It was very clear that Luna was younger then her sister due to the height of the two. After about a couple of seconds, Celestia got out of her bed, and went in front of the table, with a mirror and brush on it, so she can fix her messy pink mane. With the magic from her unicorn horn, she made her cone, brush out all of the tangles in her mane. The young filly had only learned how to make objects float with her magic about a month ago, but by now she can now make almost all the objects in her bedroom float at will. She saw in the mirror the reflection of Luna waking up, due to the sun's light. Luna rubbed her eyes with her left hoof once she sat upwards. 

"Good morning Luna." Celestia said to her sister. "Oh good morning Celestia." Luna said in reply. The younger sister gotten up from her bed, and started to brush her short mane, with the cone that was designated for her. "You do know what today is, right Luna?" The older sister questioned. Luna gave her a look while brushing the knots out of her mane. "No I don't, what is today?" Celestia knew Luna will find out what today is, from either her mother, or father so she didn't even bothered to tell her. Luna continued to stare at her sister, with her big curious eyes. Luna expected an answer from Celestia, but instead she got a view of her sister placing on her gorget, and tiara. "Luna, you know it is rude to stare, now if you need help with your gorget and tiara, I will be happy to help you." Celestia said, while reaching for Luna's gorget. Luna wasn't expecting that, but atleast she got help with her heavy gorget, and fragile tiara. 

The thumps of walking were heard throughout the dining hall, that belonged to the two young princesses. The royal family usually met here every morning for breakfast, but for an apparent reason, the king, or queen were not in their seats when Celestia and Luna walked in. "I wonder where mom and dad are, they are always here waiting for us." Celestia wondered. Neverless the two sat down next to eachother waiting for Marie Bell to bring their breakfast. It was unusually quiet for the castle to be. Maybe they woke up a little bit earlier then imagened? 

(Celestia's P.O.V)

To be honest, it was really uncomfertable sitting next to Luna waiting in a silent room. If it was two suns ago, the room would be full of laughter, giggles, and busy chatting. On another topic, I still don't know how mother didn't tell Luna what was going to happened on this day. It was very important, at least for a future ruler to know. Or they did tell Luna, but she simply wasn't listening, or had a lost of memory for some time. Then a set of footstep noises came closer and closer to the dining hall. I looked at the entrance, begging for it to be mom, or dad. But instead it was just Marie Bell with our breakfast. She was equally important to Luna and I, so we really weren't dissapionted."Here you go girls, two muffins, each with jam on them."Marie Bell explained"Oh and Luna I made sure to put extra this time." Then with her horn, she made the two trays float right in front of us. "Thank you so much Marie Bell." I thanked her. "Yes thank you, but do you know where our mom, and dad are?" Luna questioned. Marie Bell gave her an apologetic look"No I don't Luna, but I will look around the castle grounds for you." And with that note, the mare left the room, to leave us with the silence. Now it wasn't that bad, mainly because we had our food to keep us busy. I looked over at Luna, who was almost done with her muffin, while I was only partly done with mine. I had ate the last bite of my muffin, when Luna was now leaving her seat. She was still a small filly, so she could barely get out of her seat. "Celestia, I am going to look for mom, and dad in the gardens, ok?" Luna stated. I gave her a simple nod then said "Okay, but don't go in the maze ok?Last time dad had to get about ten gaurds to get you out of there." Luna then walked out of the dining hall saying "Of course not, besides I got the prize at the end of the maze twice." I worry about my sister at times. The way her brain works is very different from mine. I got out of my chair, then walked up to the grand room, where all four thrones were. In the middle was father's dark blue throne, then to his right mother's bright orange yellow throne, then to the right of her was my soft pink throne, and the to the left of father was Luna's small light blue throne. We never really sit there, unless it was an important meating that needed all four of us, as the royal family. Then I noticed a small note on mother's chair. I quickly walked over to her chair to see what it had written on it. With my magic I made the note open to reveal some letters. They read Soon this will be my throne... Who would ever write this to mom, or father, or really anyone. This could be considered a threat when I finished reading. It had no name on who wrote this, so the writer of this threat is unknown. I ran over to the guard's room with the letter floating next to me. Head guard Weasley has to be there about now! I ran into the guards room as soon as I came upon it. There was about three other guards with Weasley at the time, but I just simply ran up to him and said "Weasley, I found this on my mother's throne in the grand room, I think it is a threat." Everypony then was concerned, and stared at Weasley while he read the note. "No, no on a day like today." You see, it was the one hundredth summer under my mom and dad's rule, so they were going to train Luna and I to see if we can rise and set the sun and the moon when they were not under rule. It was a very important day, if one of the dark ones finds out that Luna and I can raise and set the sun and the moon, if we can, they will surely take action to take us both. Problem was that no one knew who exactly wrote this note, so there was about twenty different army leaders who could've wrote this. "We need to get the princesses inside the castle at all time, Celestia where is Luna?" Weasley asked me. "She said she was out in the gardens looking for mom and dad." I said. He then ordered two of his men to look for Luna out in the gardens. "You, I want you to guard Princess Celestia at all times, don't let her out of your sight." Weasley commanded. Then I was escorted out of the room, with one of the guards. I looked up at the guard Weasley ordered to guard me. "Don't worry princess, I am sure we will find out who wrote that note." He assured me. "Now, let's get you to a safer place shall we?" We then walked up the stairs, all I wanted was to be with Luna, mom and dad right now. 

(Luna's P.O.V.)

I never really had explored the gardens much, other then the maze. Right now, there was balloons, streamers, and tables all over the area. Many workers for the castle were running around to decorate the garden for an important event happening today. Celestia never told me what that event really was, so I didn't know much of what was happening. The only thing I could point out, was the main banner, with a half sun, and half moon symbol. That was the symbol for the land mom and dad ruled over. Even though everyone who lived here, had wings, and horns, everypony had a different job to do around here. I still don't know exactly why my parents ruled over the land, but I am happy they do anyhow. My hooves carried me over to where the big fountain was at. It was grand with two birds made out of clay on top, then water dripped down from the top, to the bottom. The two birds were carrying in their beaks the sun and moon symbol. That was nearly every where around the castle, but it kinda needed to be everywhere, for some unknown reason. "Princess Luna!" Sweet Pea called for me" You need to go up to your room with your sister to change into some dresses for tonight!" I was about to ask why, when Sweet Pea just dragged me with her back into the castle. 

*A few minutes later*

I was now in the bedroom where Celestia was helping me with my dress for the event tonight. I really don't know why we must wear these frilly dresses. Also why is there a gaurd outside of our door. This only has happened once when a changeling invaded the castle grounds. But I only vaguely remember that, I was only about two years old. I am a big mare now, ok I am not really a mare, I think about seven years old I am now. Celestia is about fourteen, but she acts older, or younger depending. The only reason I needed help with putting on my dress is because, the bow in the very back is too far away for my hooves to grip on, but Celestia was happy to help! She had help from her pony-in-waiting, NoteWorthia, I don't have a pony-in-waiting just yet, so that is also why Celestia is helping me. About after a minute of Celestia's hooves trying to knot my bow, she ended up calling NoteWorthia to tie my bow up for me. Once she had done that, it was really an akward silence. "Luna, I think we should go outside to check out the event more." Celestia suggested. I agreed, so we both went downstairs. Then the gaurd who was at our door came running at us. "Princesses, I hope you understand that the event is now at the grand hall." He said. "Thank you, we were about to go out to the gardens, but I guess not now, come on Luna!" Celestia thanked. That gaurd was right, decorations were all over the grand hall, about fifty guests were already here. It was about noon, so the event had already started. I didn't knew where to go honestly, there was so many ponies, and about now mom and dad would tell me where to go. "Let's go over and sit by the thrones ok?" Celestia asked me. We both slowly walked over to the thrones because of the amount of ponies that kept arriving. Then we spotted mom and dad, just now entering the castle. Celestia or I have seen our parents all day, no wonder we sat straight up in our seats when we saw them. Finally after talking, and walking, then stopped to talk, mom and dad finally came up to sit on the thrones next to us. "Mom, dad, we missed you guys, where were you?" Celestia and I asked our parents. They both gave eachother a look then said to us "Oh nothing, just a kingdom in need of our resorces is all." Father then looked at me and said "I hope you are ready for today, Luna." I looked up at him with confused eyes. Why can't someone just tell me what is going on?  

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